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Haggle Rank: "D" Skill: Skill Effect: Characters with the haggle skill know how to get the best deals. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Characters are well versed in the subtle art of obtaining the best quality items for the least amount of money, and how to sell what they have at the biggest profits. There are two ways to handle haggling in Naruto Forum Role-play. There is a fast way and a slower way. Look in Task Skills thread found in the Skills and Traits Index for more information. If user has 25 or more Ranks in Appraisal user gains a Synergy Bonus +10 to Haggle pertaining to the type of Appraisal. Each time learned user gets 5 die roll to increase the skill. Limit: ---
Shiki smiled as he looked at the first creation at his forge. He smiled as he realized all the work and time that had to go into his creation. But one of the best things that he realized was that this work was good and honest. It was the sweat from his brow turned into the skill of his hands. Shiki was able to work on what he figured was his creation should look like. He could imagine how he wanted everything to be wonderful and the form that he wanted to be in the fabrication.
Every nut bolt and screw that was going into his armor was going to be something great and wonderful that he would want when he started his creation. Shiki smiled as he looked at the shining steel breast plate. Shiki looked at it and played with the armor as he examined his weight of the item that he held in his hands. He looked around and picked up the item. He looked at the steel. Hell even the very electron cloud that hung in the air around it. Shiki smiled.
This was more then just steel. This was more then just an iron alloy that hand been pushed together by heat in a forge. It was something that came not just from his mastery in creating things out of the nature of metal. He was working on the creation of metal that was pulled out of the ground by his own hands. Forged by the lightning in his own forge, manipulated by the powers that he had literally spent his entire life time cultivating. He smiled as he looked at the armor. But how could you price it?
How could a man look at something that came from his hands like this work of metal. How could someone actually put a price tag on it? Shiki sighed as he looked at the metal. Where someone who hand an untrained eye might be able to tell the difference between the composition of one metal in comparison to another. Shiki was able to tell the differences between not just one metal. But the same metal from different parts of the world. Shiki smiled.
He looked at the metal that was in front of him. This metal was made from the mountains of Kumogakure. Shiki could tell from the ferros fields that were made up in the iron. Because even through he was able to look at the metal in the steel. He was able to look at it and look inside of the steel itself. Separating where the coal and iron played and interplayed Shiki could tell where the metal and iron were exasperated. In other words knowing this information Shiki knew the best ways to set the metal.
This information made armor that wasn't just good armor. It wasn't even masterworked. This was something that was beyond that state. It was something superior. Kumo steel was good but the way that the steel would lay down was set in a certain pattern that made the steel break up into lighter covalent bonds but a stronger ionic bond due to the closeness that the iron had to not just the lightning but the volcanic landscape that made up kumogakure. The steel as magnetic.
Shiki started looking at the armor. This was the knowledge that the other smiths lacked. This is why he was able to create armor that was beyond whatever they were going to make for them. This creation was something that he would be able to charge more for. AS he created the items around him he would be able to charge a mark up not exactly for the work he did but rather the information that he knew. Shiki smiled as he gleamed this small bit of information out of himself.
Shiki picked up the armor with his blood limit and danced around it. Shiki understood some of the more basic fundamentals of a sale. For instance people often got nervous whenever they started look at prices. Looking and hearing a price would often make someone so uncomfertable and defensive that your chance of selling something to them was more then likely going to plummet when dealing with them. Shiki smiled as he looked at the armor again.
Shiki looked at the armor and saw the etching on it that allowed the runes for magical powers to become activated once someone was ready. He smiled as he looked around at the rest of the forge wondering what else he could make that would give him the chance to upsell himself or create an item that he could himself make forge and sell to someone else. Shiki thought about all the rest of the items he could make and decided that the best thing to do was mass produce steel armor.
Shiki just ordered a huge fucking shipment of steel and iron that was supposed to be coming on its way at any moment. Shiki smiled as he got ready to create things from the huge massive create of iron and steel that was supposed to come through the lightning forges all around him. Shiki smiled as he started laying out all the steel ingots as he thought about the destiny of silver and gold on this earth and their relation to steel. He thought about how he could turn this introspection into something marketable.
He thought it was amusing that silver and gold were just like steel. It was just a piece of metal that someone found on the outside of some mountain and saw it glimmer and sparkle on the outside of the mountain. Some nuts just strangely thought that the shinier metal was the one that was much more valuable. Not the one that would be able to make tools and armors. Shiki smiled as he looked at the metal. There were only a few things that would be able to set thigns apart.
Shiki would simply need to show the people that were working with him that his iron and steel were going to make him stronger and safer then the gold in their pockets. Shiki looked around and thought that it was actually the perfect thing to say. What good is gold going to do your body when a sword is run through your gut or your head is cracked open. The gold on the table that you spend now would get you more steel on your chest for when you get your head cracked open.
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
Many weapons were laying all around the twins, as if they were trying to tell lakr that if he stepped any closer he would've paid the price for it. There were roughly twenty weapons separating the two, After the twins fused they smiled while looking at wasnt a malicious smile - they just couldnt hold back the excitement, they havent had this much fun in a while. They were loving this battle and as far as they could tell, lakr was enjoying it as much as them.
After a few seconds of sizing up, the twins decided to make the first move. They grabbed the two closest daggers and immediatly threw them toward him, one clearly aimed at his chest while the other seemed to have been thrown badly and if nothing interacted with it it would've missed the lakr's shoulder by a good 10 cm. As he saw the projectile coming his way lakr responded immediatly. As he saw the weapons coming his way he took a deep breath and started to focus.
Since the second projectile wouldnt have hit him he didnt think about deflecting it, so all his focus switched toward the one aimed at his chest. With a quick movement , lakr lowered his sword from a higher stance into a low one and in the movement the sword hit the dagger changing his trajectory so that it would hit the ground. However the moment both daggers were coming at his way and his sword touched one of the weapons they both disappeared.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
"What is going on?" thought lakr as he didnt understand the situation. Both daggrs were supposed to hit either him or the ground but they just disappeared into thin air. Nothing seemed to have happened to either him or his suppoundings, something was going on here. After throwing the daggers the twins were already walking toward lakr, and as soon as the daggers disappeared they they grabbed a sword on the way to their opponent and endered a fighting stance, ready to swing at him.
The twins were trying to accomplish something new with their Semblance forge. Their intention was simple, they were trying to destabilize the weapon and weakening it in such a way that it would've shattered creating a small explosion of chakra. They had never tried something like this before, so they knew it was a gamble. However that wasnt the time to reflect upon it for they were now engaged in melee combat once again.
With their left foot ahead of them the twins held the longsword with two hands and started a piercing motion aiming at lakr's stomach. Lakr was still confused about what happened before but he had no time to think for the twins were already attacking him, as he saw the blade coming he took a step back to gain a better view of the attack and with a switf movement of his legs he stepped to its right avoiding the blow, as he did that he immediatly countered with a slashing attack aiming at their heads.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
The twins immediatly ducked, and instead of keep going with their attacks they decided to roll back gaining space between them and their opponent. They knew lakr was a much better melee fighter - and playing his game would've only led them to a quicker defeat. Trying to tire him out was no option either for he was in a way better shape than them and they had been making weapons for a while which drained their chakra reserves enough to make them more careful.
Since the weapons were still scattered all around them, they made the decision to roll toward a shortsword and immediatly threw it at him, like before they were trying to destabilize it creating a shrapnel explosion. Even though their previous attempt at the technique failed they wouldnt give up that easily. After all the whole point of this fight was to improve, if they were gonna get demoralized after just one try that would've brought shame upon them.
As the sword flew toward him lakr, once again, didnt need to use his sword to deflect it - he could simply dodge it. The speed of the sword wasnt anything he was worried about he could clearly see its path. With a quick side step lakr moved to the sword's right side, however this time he kept looking at the sword. He wanted to see if something was going to happen like last time. He didnt like the fact that he didnt understand why the weapon dematerialized in front of him.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
The twins noticed lakr's lack of focus on them and instead of trying to dematerialize the sword they instead chose not to. They didnt want to alert lakr of a possible new danger coming his way instead, they decided to take advantage of his lack of focus to split. Caly would remain in the same spot while Caela would run toward lakr's blind side. Since he was distacted he wouldnt have noticed the twins splitting.
Since the twins were identical, the moment he would turn back to look at them he would find one of them still there thinking the fusion was still happening. The decision to not alter the sword was correct. As lakr kept watching the sword waiting for something to happen, it just kept flying until it hit the tree all the way back to the dojo's walls. "Maybe the weapon's duration just ran out?" thought lakr as he turned his gaze upon the twins.
Caly still facing him started to create a big hammer while Caela, circling unnoticed around lakr's blind spot waited for the signal. The first sister started charging toward lakr making a big clear and obvious motion with the hammer trying to get lakr's attention. The moment she did Caela would throw three recently created kunai at him and then after creating a Katana she started to run toward him to follow up kaly's attack.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
Lakr would've seen that happer from a mile - something was going on, the twins were much smarter than that. Only an amateur would chose to make such a huge and clumsy weapon to use against him. The moment he heard the sound of weapons being conjured he understood. He fell into their trap. As the hammer swung at him lakr had no choice but to roll away, making the hammer miss. The previously concealed sister was now a clear sight to him.
The first two kunai missed due to the roll while the third delayed one if not dealt with would've hit lakr in the shoulder, In that moment he realized the twins were pressuring him so hard all he could do was play defensively and respond to their threats, a scary feeling. He wouldnt side step for he was still on his knees due to the roll so his only option was parrying the kunai. As he got into the position to do just that the kunai ,once close enough exploded.
The explosion wasnt strong enough to cause any damage however a couple of shrapnels created by their knew technique managed to hit lakr's right leg. The strenght behind them wasnt anything he should've worried about, in fact he took almost no damage by that attack. However he had no idea what was going on, the previously discared thought about the twins scheming up something came back to mind. With caela charging at him and the danger of a katana hitting him he had no time to think.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
Thats where his training came into play, the mind was still confused about the whole situation but his body had no doubt. It reacted immediatly to the newer thread quickly standing up and responding to caela's charge with a charge of his own. After a quick deflection of her katana a second swing immediatly followed hitting caela's dominant arm making her sword fall onto the ground. There was no time to think, his body had entered an autopilot mode.
Aware of the situation the twins had to change tactics up, lakr had gone from defensive to an offensive situation and that was bad for them - if their attack pressure dropped it would've been the end for them. Mustering all her strenght - Caly threw the hammer toward lakr. As sh gathered her arms above her head to start the throw motion she was talking to her sister through telepathy. It was time for them to try their new technique for the third time.
Caela's arm was hurt - now aware of her sister's plan her only option was to gain space from him so to avoid the explosion's damage. Even if their explosion didnt go off correctly - due to the hammer's size it would've done damage regardless and since she was already hurt - another injury would've made her almost fall out of the fight. A round kick came trying to hit lakr while attempting to gain some space to shelter her from the explosion's radius.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
The hammer was way too big to be deflected or blocked. Lakr was in no s uch position to avoid it either due to Caela's incoming kick. All he could do was to minimize the incoming damage. After grabbing caela's leg deflecting her kick he immediatly gathered his arms in a boxing turtle stance trying to protect a much of his chest and face as possible. The hammer was merciless, the moment it got near lakr the twins focused both of their chakra onto it.
This time they couldnt fail. It was going to be a major swing in the fight if they managed to accomplish their attack. Focusing on the weapon's structure the twins started to destabilize it, since the weapon was so big anyone could see that its shape was changing as it was flying toward lakr. Once its form was destabilized enough the twins weakened it further to create the explosion. It happened right near lakr hitting him from the front.
The explosion damaged his arms, while the shrapnel inflicted damage all over his body. Nothing deadly mostly bruises - they didnt want to seriously injure him. He fell into their trap. The twins had outsmarted lakr all this time forcing a better opponent into a defensive style and then through accurate planning they finally managed to land a serious blow to their opponent, they felt proud so much so that they started to smile, however they were not the only ones for lakr started to smile aswell.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
It had been a while since he had such an exciting training. If he kept going like this he would've lost undoubtedly and he couldnt let that happen, it was time to retaliate. He now knew how the twins new technique worked, and as impressed as he was from now on he would've taken every precaution not to fall for it again. Abter a couple seconds trying to recover from the explosion - it was time for his attack, as he started moving he said "now its my turn".
He quickly stepped toward Caela to then lounge at her trying to pierce her defenses with a stab motion of his sword aiming at Caela's already injured arm. She had no time to create a sword to deflect the blow but due to the distance she had just enough time to dodge it by moving her shoulder backwards making the attack miss. While this was happening Caly didnt w aste time and immediatly threw two kunai at lakr attempting to stop his attack giving her sister breathing room.
Two more short swords were created right after the throw one that followed the kunai's direction while the other she kept as she started running toward her sister. With the kunai coming his way lakr decided to shushin behind Caela circling around her trying to using her as shield. The twins new technique was strong now only because they could c reate any number of weapons, but because it gave them the flexibility of using said weapons to combo int oa much fiercer attack.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
Getting stabbed was no option but dodging too close to the weapon or even deflecting it would've resulted in an explosion piling up damage on the already injured body of his. His best choice was to hide behind caela while continuing his attack. After the shushin had happened Caly had no choice but to keep the kunai from exploding, for if that happened her sister would've suffered all the damage. While she was running toward lakr, a new attack came from behind Caela.
A deadly swing of lakr sword was coming aimed at Caela's already injured arm, if not dealt with it would've further damaged her arm making it unable to be used. That was his tactic, shielding himself from the explosions by using each sister as a barrier while injuring their arms enough so they couldnt retaliate anymore. A sound tactic indeed if it were not for the fact that the twins had already anticipated such scenario. Their opponent was much stronger but they were smarter.
As the sword started approaching the Caela, she knew there was no time to dodge - her only move was to raise her left arm up toward her sister direction attempting to touch her hand. Caly lounged at her sister , her arm raised aswell, trying to catch her sister's hand. If they had hesitated for even just a second one of the sisters would've been out of the fight making it almost impossible for them to win. As they touched hands Caela fused with her sister's body granting them enough space to avoid the swing completly.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Name: Broken Dreams Rank: A Skill: Supplementary Effect: Destabilizes Semblance Forge creations, causing them to explode. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The user channels a "D" Ranked amount of additional chakra into a precise point within a Semblance Forged weapon they are currently touching. This destabilizes the otherwise solid construction, weakening it in the precise fashion such that on any solid impact the weapon will shatter violently. A relatively small explosion of chakra covers a one-meter range with a power of 40 Armor Points in Explosive Damage, and also spreads stone shrapnel across an additional two meters which has a power of 10 Armor Points in Slashing Damage. This tactic may be used both in melee and as a projectile. Limit: Must know Reinforced Copies
There was no time to waste, their stamina aswell as chakra were running out - they just had enough for their final attack, their last hope. The fight had been going on for way too long and lakr was getting serious. With the previously created short sword the now fused twins immediatly swung at lakr trying to hit him but they were answered with a quick reaction, quicker than it should've been, of a slight step back followed by yet another piercing attack.
Their short sword had too low range for them to fight versus lakr's long sword, As their arm finished the swing attack the let go of the sword which ended up near lakr's leg. As they ducked to avoid piercing attck, with lakr's blade barely missing their head they started to gather all their remaining chakra creating twenty swords all around them aswell as lakr. Their last remaining swords. Grabbing a katana near them they went for a from low to high swing.
As the swords were about to connect they made a quick decision, it was now or never. As the sword were about to collide they stepped backwards with all their strenght trying to get as far away as possible. They started to destabilize all the swords they had created including their katana. Due to the destabilization their form was almost like air making them unable to be deflected. Lakr's sword passed right through the twins katana to then , shortly after, explode with inbetween his chest and his arms.
Luckily for lakr the twins chakra had ran out , and even though every weapon got destabilized ready to explode only a puff sound and smoke came out of them. It must've been lakr's lucky day for if that attack had gone through he would've been out of commission for a couple hours to say the least. Since the twins used up all their chakra and stamina they immediatly fell unconscious making lakr the final winner. Even though they lost they had learned alot from this fight, and after the twins finally regained consciousness they smiled at lakr as a thank you for the session.
Movements Handseals 100 Reduction 1/3 Armor Points Will saves Fortitude saves --- S A B 12 C 13 D -- Sigrdrif 2130 TP B Class
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on May 19, 2017 7:30:45 GMT -7
Heaven: Block/Attack Counter Rank: "C" Skill: TaiJutsu Effect: The user blocks and attacks with a counterattack quickly and efficiently. Special: --- Drawback: Technique will not work if the opponent overpowers the user, or if the first initial block does not work. Description: The user performs Heaven Blocking Technique (Point Up/Point Down), and then counters with either a Heaven Basic Strikes, or a Heaven Speed Step after pivoting to the opponent's dead side. This technique is considered as a counter so it could be more deadly than normal. Limit: Must learn from a Master of Tensora (天空 Heavenly Sky), Must know Heaven: Speed Step.
The Kid that was fighting Ryutatsu didn't learn his lesson that underhanded tricks get him no advantage. Again the kid tries a distraction than attack kind of maneuver. And this second time was no more successful than the last time. But Ryutatsu did do something different. He didn't dodge the kid at all, who thought to use his size as an advantage. It proved to be no advantage at all.
When Ryutatsu caught the metal practice sword on his wooden one. The kid applied all his body strength against Ryutatsu to no avail. Ryutatsu was a Sword Smith as well as a Sword Master and was much stronger than he looked Not that he looked weak at all. With a single hand on the handle of his wooden sword, he slid his sword along the kid's sword. And then pivoted to the kid's dead side.
This time he showed little mercy. This would be a knock out strike with the force of this counter. These were just the basic moves of Tensora that he was using on the poor kid.. It was training but that kid acted without honor and this upset the young shinobi. So with a single strike the kid was out for the day. He was breathing and was only knocked out but still. it left the rest of the raw students unwilling to face him. Ryutatsu looked for a new opponent. Maybe he should move on to the extension he was having built to the dojo.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Observation Rank: "E" Skill: Skill Effect: This skill focuses certain powers of observation - sight, smell, hearing, and touch. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Can be learned by an Animal. A failed check indicates that the character is oblivious until the thing is pointed out to him. This skill is important for ferreting out advancing enemies or ambushes, generally real-time events and actions occurring, versus scrutiny, which covers static objects or areas. A Game Master may roll an Observation skill check for a Character any time there is an NPC, monster, event or happening that a character might notice, even if he did not specifically state that he is monitoring his surroundings. Characters are capable of noticing any event within their perception. Observation reveals only facts, not motivation. If user has 25 or more Ranks in Evidence Analysis user gains a Synergy Bonus +10 to Observation. Each time learned user gets 1 die roll to increase the skill. Limit: ---
Kimi slowly struggled to his feet, he had seen and avoided the first attack but not the second. As he looked up he saw one enemy had a cut across his face just under his eye. The other enemy had the Kunai sticking out of his shoulder, his aim had been true here. He was impressed he didn't know he could do that he was already changing as he learns. Won't be too long till he can keep up with the others here at the dojo.
The that had a scratch went to his ally to check on him. When he looked down he was pissed, more than that his look was murderous. He started making handsigns Kimi could see the water chakra gathering. He moved into the middle of the room as the enemy finished the signs. Ten balls of water were created in front of the enemy, he sent two flying at Kimi. Kimi attempted to block them by punching them using him gauntlets on his hands.
The first ball of water changed shape and avoided the punch at the last second. It resumed its shape before it struck him just under the arm pit. The second he caught full on with his block, the water splashed against him as he made contact. As he came back to his fighting position his ribs started to hurt. The enemy sent another four at him this time, it was hard to tell if he was attacking to kill or teach.
The third attack was simple to stop this time he kicked it, making sure that his greaves hit the sphere first. As he finished his kick he was standing with his side facing the incoming threats. So he used a backhanded punch to stop that ball of water. The fifth attack he blocked with a cross from his left as his backhand brought him facing the attack again. The sixth attack he was not quick enough to block, that struck him in the left shoulder taking him off his feet and into the support column behind him.
Able Learner Rank: "C" Skill: Social Trait Effect: The user has great aptitude for learning. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: When learning a skill, the skill states how many times a die roll may be applied to show how much they learned within that skill. Example, when a user learns "Botany" they gain 5 die rolls. This "trait" increases the amount of die rolls by 1.5 rounded to the highest number at 1 die roll per learning, however any number higher than 1 die roll is rounded down. For example: User learns Botany and gains 5 die rolls. With this Trait they will gain 7 die rolls. However if a user learns Lockpicking they normally get 1 die roll, however with this Trait they will gain 2 die rolls. Limit: Must start with Character; replaces 2 Freebies.
Suiton: Mahou Mizu Misairu Renda no Jutsu (Water Release: Magic Water Missile Barrage Technique) Rank: "C" Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: --- Special: "Handseals" Description: User focuses her chakra into tiny bits of water, condensing them to form nearly-solid balls while still retaining their liquid properties. The balls levitate in the air, much like in the system invovled with her Ochiru Ame no Jutsu. The balls will then fly at the opponent, and depending on the amount of chakra used to throw them, the "Missiles" can easily dent thick metal armor or to knock down wooden doors on metal hinges. When a "missile" strikes an oponent, the chakra holding the water together will release into the atmosphere, causing the water to loose its ball-like shape and revert back into flowing water. Only 10 missiles can be created at a time, but when one is used, another can be instantly recreated for an additional cost in chakra. Limit: Must have Water Release
“This place is hopelessly lost to corruption and injustice and violence. I’m going to like it here.” –Richard Grayson
Effect: By fighting on and on, a Krav Maga Fighter becomes more proficient when an attack may come by. This happens usually when the Krav Maga Fighter becomes unable to see the attack. However by being in combat for so much they can feel when an attack is coming making them less able to be flanked.
Special: ---
Drawback: The user may only learn this technique by the class that they are. This means that in order to learn the "C" Rank version they must be "C" Class, if they wish to learn the "B" Rank version they must be "B" Class.
Description: A technique where the subconscious mind, where the subconscious body reacts just as they are attacked while flanked or while their back is turn. The body reacts in such a way to where they are capable of withstanding so much. This technique makes it where the Krav Maga Fighter is incapable of being surprised attacked, a sudden second sense kicks in as their body screams out to them yelling at them telling them to move, duck, dodge or anything else within that manner. This works on whenever they are being attacked. This technique however has a major flaw. The user is capable of dodging only whenever the opponent's class is equal or lower to that of the rank of the technique they know. This means that a "D" Class user that knows this technique cannot use this against an opponent that is "C" Class or higher.
Limit: Must learn from a Master of Krav Maga.
Kimi slammed into the post actually cracking it, he was stunned and couldn't breathe. He could only watch as the enemy created eight more water spheres. Then sent them flying at Kimi who was still stunned. At the last second possible Master Shaw appeared before the enemy and launched a series of blows that was too fast for even Kimi to see. Even with his enhanced vision she was a blur of movement. When she settled the shinobi was laying on the ground barely moving.
"You do not take your anger out a student, especially if that student could hold up this way. He showed you up, hurt your partner and you attack him like this? What would have happened if he died? That would have been your fault and you would have been punished, now leave my sight before I lose my temper fully." Master Shaw was breathing heavily but not because of what she just did. But in an effort to control her raging anger at what she had just seen
"Ma.. Master, I am sorry I could not keep up at all. I was not nearly as observant as you want." Kimi fell to his knees when he was finally able to move. He was not one to show his emotions like this but he had been scared of dying just then. He didn't know what to do or how to act just now. He was waiting on her cue to figure out what to do.
"Kimimaru, it is ok. If I thought they would lose it like this I would never have asked them to help. You did better than most could ever hope for, plus you are alive. That is all that matters here, go take the rest of the day off from training." She smiled at him and pushed him toward the door, he stumbled but regained his balance as he exited the room. It was just in time to see Ryu defend himself from an underhanded attack. He was through playing games with is partner and knocked him out, it looked like the kid would be out for the rest of the day.
Kimi decided then and there to take a chance and approach Ryu, finally after six months of wanting to. He hoped to spar with him, he was a renowned swordsman. This would be good experience for him, so he walked over to where Ryu was standing. "Looks like you finally tired of this partner, have you any left of those here that will duel you?" Kimi was still drenched in water from the attacks.
Last Edit: May 19, 2017 10:38:26 GMT -7 by Therakill
“This place is hopelessly lost to corruption and injustice and violence. I’m going to like it here.” –Richard Grayson