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Shiki started looking around at the rest of the armor that he had created there was only one last part that needed to be created for him to finally have his armor completely finished until he was ready for the next leg of his training. He started going over the creation of his of his armor and looked over to see what exactly he was going to be missing for the final build and creation of his armor as he started going over the rest of his build. he would need to create the leg armor now.
Shiki started looking at his leg guards and started to examine all the pieces and parts of his gear to start crafting the final part of his gear. He started going over all the parts of the armor that he was going to need to make to have the armor crafted out and sketched into the perfect style that he wanted to get done. So Shiki started looking over the rest of his armor as he started to look through the design of the boots that he was going to start crafting to create the armor.
Shiki started moving through the lower area that would make up the tread of his boots as he started looking around for the tread that he was going to want to put on them. He started looking around for more of the type of build that he would want to make use of as he started the lower tread. Shiki knew that this might not seem like a big deal but the tread of foot wear was absolutely critical in determining what type of material that it would be proficient in walking and utilizing.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 8, 2017 14:24:55 GMT -7
Crossbow, Pistol (Overview) Rank: "C" Type: Main, Piercing, Crossbow Effect: A short bow made of more than one material. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: A One-Handed Weapon. These weapons do +4 Amour Points of Weapon Damage. The Range Increment of this weapon is 25 meters. May be used in Mounted Combat. Takes 1 Movement to reload. Pistol Crossbows zip bolts with dead-on accuracy at incredibly short range. Powerful hand-held bolt launchers. Normally used for vermin or killing at close range. Pistol Crossbows are compact and are small weapons for easy concealment. Limit: These items may be bought inside any Hunting Shop. Cost: 4,000 Ryo
Cashew Rank: "B" Type: Common, Huge, Tree Effect: A tree with a resin capable of making wood wooden and leather items waterproof. Special: Preparation: 1 week; Duration: — Drawback: --- Description: The cashew tree is a small evergreen that produces flavorful cashew apples and nuts that are a popular food source. The oil produced by the nut is of value to alchemists. Cashew nut oil is used as a base material in a variety of water-resistant resins, pigments, and waxes, and in particular treatments to waterproof wooden and leather items. It is also a base material for a variety of salves and creams used to treat skin irritations and infections. The leaves and bark are used to treat, and are also believed to increase libido. Each tree produces 1 large flagon worth of cashew oil in nuts. Hardness: 6; Armour Points/Inch: 10; Armour Class: -2. Cashew produces 60,000 Ryo worth of material cost for items. Cashew items cost 1/4 normal price. Availability: Summer/Autumn; Region: Jungle; Identification: Average; Cultivation: Average Limit: Must know Botany for Jungle Regions. 66% chance in finding. Cost: 20,000 Ryo Per Tree; 32,000 Ryo per Large Pitcher of Oil; 60,000 Ryo per Tree (Material)
Skill:125 +25 for Blacksmith +80 for Tech Path III +30 for Skill Focus +20 for Artisan Skill +10 for Renown Master of the Craft +80 for Perfected Smithy +30 for Tuned Tools = 400
4000 - 3/4 = 1,000 for wood 1,000=masterworked 1,000=superior 1,500=advanced 2,250=pristine 3,175=Perfected -5% for Eldritch Smith 3,016.25
1/2= 1508.125
1/3 = 1005.4
Ryutatsu entered the grand forge to begin a craft for Shiki. With plenty of Cashew wood for the making of two of the crossbows he descended to his corner of the forge. This would not be a complicated process for the young man. He felt like he could do so much more than this. But Shiki requested simple for his crossbows, so simple it is for him. At least it would be easy to remake.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 8, 2017 14:28:42 GMT -7
Post 2
Ryutatsu looked over the heating metal for Deathgate and shook his head. It was time to move the materials and he did so. Then he went to his other project for Shiki to come back to Deathgate later. Ryutatsu went to the wood pile and began to carefully chisel the outline needed for the crossbow. It was a fine piece of work he was making. Every detail had to be correct. That and he wanted only the best for the master of the school.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Shiki started looking at the treads and thought about how exactly he wanted them to be able to move and gaze through the different parts of the terrain that he was going to move from. shiki finally realized that if he was going to have the best chance at being able to examine some of the different types of treads that he would be able to get crafted and completed in order to get to the next point of his build. Shiki knew that a real ninja was constantly exposed to different types of terrain.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 8, 2017 14:31:05 GMT -7
Post 3
Ryutatsu then fitted all the individual pieces together until they were just right. Next was taking a piece of sinew tight twine and fitting it in place. As this was going to be integrated he didn't bother with a handle. Next was to test out the various parts that bend and move to make sure tensile strength was correct. It needed to bend but not to much and it had the exact draw weight needed to launch the bolts far indeed.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 8, 2017 14:33:33 GMT -7
Post 4
Ryutatsu then added the finishing touches to this piece for Shiki. He carved into the sides of the main piece as to not damage the strength of it. He placed scenes of monsters fighting a man wielding lightning. The bolts of lightning would curve around until they hugged the magazine well. Last but not least was to make sure that everything looks as good from a distance as it did up close. Then he recheck in the reverse. When he was happy with it, it went into a box for Shiki.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Shiki thought about some sort of creation that he would be able to make with the heel and tread of his boots where he could have the boots tread start to shift automatically as the terrain changed. He started doing some rough sketches on the types of build patterns that would make the most sense for obsticals that would require him to mount and climb over certain objects and of course objects that would force him to need to really grab a grip with his feet.
Shiki started looking at the flat panel of steel that he would probably need to get working on if he was going to get with the process of working the bottom of the thread that would be able to sense the difference between different hardness and textures of different parts that would need to be in completely separate instances that would allow him to start the build of his treads on his feet. He started to craft the small rubber and metal and rubber soles that would make up the bottom of his feet.
Shiki started working on the points that was made to start working on the construction of the armored soles that he would need to get under construction. Shiki started working on the part of the armor system that would allow him seamless transition as he moved from one style of platform manipulation to the next. As Shiki started moving on the bottom of the tread and moving upwards on the next point of the creation he was going to need to create the feet casing.
Shiki finished the tread in the shape and size of the footwear that someone would need to wear if they were to put on lord runeska's boot. The armor would need to fit them perfectly as the armor would need to be fitted to them which was obviously a bit more difficult then someone would want to assume. Now that the sole was in place and the correct size Shiki started pasting out the next point of the armor. The housing would need to contain several very important parts.
Shiki started going over some of the different points of the armor that he wanted to make on the foot housing but it was going to be difficult if he was going to get to the point of where they would be able to get himself to the point where he could start protecting the foot form different points of attack. The firs thing that he would have to do is come up with the striking portion of the boot. If he was going to get his armor to the point where he could start doing damage with contact.
Shiki started looking over the rest of his gear housing of his toe house and started looking at some functioning point that he would be able to start the construction of the protective housing. First he started working on the striking portion of his boot and started working on the front most point of the boot. AS he did he started creating the blunted striking point on the boot toe that would give the hits more of a sensation as it started creating the blunt hammer like toe point to the boot.
Shiki sighed as he started looking over the portion of his armor that would now create almost a skeleton back towards the roof of the foot back towards the ankle itself. Working on this portion of the armor Shiki would be able to create the a housing that ran from the top of the toe box all the way down to the base of the ankle. The point of the housing would be made to create the slanted and angled armor pieces he wanted to create.
Shiki knew that taking damage to the feet was a dangerous thing that could happen to someone who was unprepared as a damaged leg could mean the difference between being crippled during a fight and being able to move. Moreover after a fight a damaged foot would mean the difference between escaping a won fight and potentially being forced to lie in the dirt and fester in your wounds until you died. Long story short Shiki was going to need to keep his foot protected on all areas.
Shiki hand finished the design frame of the foot casing and started looking over the rest of the armor that would need to get built up from the base up. Specifically what he was looking at was the connection point on the ankle that would need to be created specifically to block any sort of incomming damage that would be directed towards the lower echelons of his foot. Shiki started looping the metal that he needed to create the frame along the inside of the foot. Would it be enough though?
Shiki would now need to get to the more complex portion of his creation which was to say the utilization of his blood limit to get his armor to the perfected part that he would want it to become stationed at. He started planting his fixation of his chakra on the point near his eyes and started to focus on gathering chakra though his body and collecting it inside of his chest. He took a few deep breaths to steady himself. He was still recovering from last time as he tried to do this.
He opened his eyes and suddenly felt the exoneration of his blood limit activate as he felt all the different metals calling out to him as he started the long process of getting the armor created. He moved the metal components and the casings that he had just created and moved them over to the point of fixation where he had last worked on the metal. He moved them under the metal crucible where he was going to enhance his magnetic control as he started working on the manipulation.
Shiki started going over the rest of his creation as he moved up and down the creation that he had made so far. Not too shabby as the thought to himself for a moment as he started thinking about where he could start on the mithral weave that was going to set this armor apart from the rest of the plate armor. The weave would allow someone to wear them as easily as someone would be able to wear a standard work boot but this armor was going to put other materials to shame.