NPC Creation Contest!
May 4, 2010 6:40:25 GMT -7
Post by Solus on May 4, 2010 6:40:25 GMT -7
NPC Creation Contest!
May the fourth, 2010
It is once again OOC contest time for me. It is time to get creative, since I want you guys to roll up your sleeves, put your minds in the ‘creative creations’-mode and create me an NPC. So, why would you do this and what is it for? Well, you would make one because you want to contribute to the site and off course because you want to have a shot at the prizes that will be awarded by the jury, consisting out of me, Kira and Takkun. So, why on earth would the site need you to make NPC’s? Actually, the site is going to get a new bounty feature in the future, as to which I cannot into great detail. But trust me, those NPC’s will be needed.
So, how does such an NPC look and what does it need? Most of all, creativity, interesting RP capabilities and originality, that is what we as a jury will look at the most when we decide on a winner. Also, the NPC’s created must all be in some way B.I.N.G.O.-book worthy. Yes, they must have done or be someone that makes them to have a bounty on their heads. Now, you don’t have to stick to the ninja theme, one can get a bounty for more than just killing, leaving villages, etc. If you wanted to you could even have an NPC that has a bounty due to outstanding parking fines, that is if you can explain how one can get a parking fine in a universe without cars.
Now, there are some house rules you have to abide. You can submit as many NPC’s as you want, but one person can only win one prize. Don’t try to trick us into giving you more than one prize by switching accounts, repercussions will be taken. To avoid such mistakes, please just post all the NPC’s with one account, that makes it much easier for all of us.
Only one S-rank NPC per person, might seem like a stupid and arbitrary rule, but I just don’t want this contest to be swarmed with ultra strong S-ranks.
Also, once submitted the NPC is not attached anymore to you as the creator, but becomes ‘site-property’. The reasons for this is that the NPC’s are meant to be able to be NPC’d by staffers and GM’s for events, interactive missions, random encounters, etc. They will even expand the NPC’s abilities depending on what the NPC does when it is in some way encountered and what he/she learns. Also it is logical for some to become stronger over time. So I will repeat it again, once submitted, you don’t own the NPC anymore, they are for the site database and thus public property.
All submissions have to be in before June the fourth. After that this thread will be temporarily locked so that the jury can decide on a winner. Every jury member will give every submission a grade one a scale of one to ten, with one being the lowest and ten being the highest grade. The higher your score, the better.
- Keep everything PG-13 and within site rules.
- One prize per account
- One S-rank NPC per person
- After submission of the NPC you don’t own the NPC anymore.
- All submissions have to be posted here before June the fourth
- Best NPC - a Free scrap death
- Second place - 10,000 Ryo
- Third place - 7,500 Ryo
- Fourth place - 5,000 Ryo
- Fifth place - 2,500 Ryo
How does one create such a proper NPC? Well, first of all, there is a template, and if you scroll down you will find some examples of mine to give you an idea of how the finished product could look like. But first, the template. Now, remember that this is destined for the B.I.N.G.O.-book when creating your NPC. Since one doesn’t have know every aspect of a shady person who is evading a bounty means you don’t have to mark every category of the template. Naturally, the more the better.
-Credits for the template and its explanation go to Heero:
Picture: -If Applicable
Name: Can be a fake name, or Unknown
Alias: If a Character has an alias.
Village: -Can be Non Ninja
Country of Origin:
Class Grade in B.I.N.G.O: -Class Grade in B.I.N.G.O means how dangerous they are. D through S is the Class Grade in B.I.N.G.O. Now a person listed in B.I.N.G.O could be "B" Class Character, however be "S" Class Grade because they are well prepared such as traps. Keep that in mind.
Last Seen In: -Country, or Village in which person was last seen in. Yes, this can be updated constantly. This greatly depends on if NPC is used and lives and escapes.
Likes: -If Applicable
Dislikes: -If Applicable
Description: -A description of what the person may look like as well as what they like to wear usually and etc.
History of B.I.N.G.O: -History of why they are in the B.I.N.G.O. This could be anything. This could be something as simple as Bad men want someone dead. It could be "He killed so and so." All that is asked is to make it colorful. If the person has done crimes, please be specific. If person has won tournaments such as NinJutsu tournaments, Archery Tournaments that some people don't like, Fighting Tournaments, please be specific.
Other: -Any other information that may seem nice to have.
Abilities: -Nothing specific, just state their abilities. Fire User? Sand Jutsu User? GenJutsu Fighter? Please be specific such as their releases, their Perceptions, and what styles. Please put specific techniques if they are universal techniques. For anything else masterable just please put the name. Please follow the rule of Class however as well. Please note that the information in here is information that is known. This means that if someone is part of a Bloodlimit, or part of let's say a Religion and no one knows about it. It will not have that information listed in here. This can increase as well, and allow an expansion of an NPC as well. This is why it is asked that NPCs are not attached by the creators to avoid anger.
[b]Height: [/b]
[b]Weight: [/b]
[b]Eyes: [/b]
[b]Hair: [/b]
[b]Village: [/b]
[b]Country of Origin: [/b]
[b]Class Grade in B.I.N.G.O: [/b]
[b]Last Seen In:[/b]
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]History of B.I.N.G.O:[/b]