How Many Can You Save? [I]
Jul 18, 2013 3:30:37 GMT -7
Post by Deleted on Jul 18, 2013 3:30:37 GMT -7
"I know, sis. It's hard, but we'll get through it."
Katsumi turned her gaze away from her brother, letting it lay upon the frosted pavement to her left. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her chest, her hands occasionally rubbing at her arms whenever they once again felt too cold. Katsumi looked sombre that day, the damp infecting her mood and washing her spirits away. It was this kind of mortal reminder that other people with their houses were so above. Even though it was approaching mid-morning - the twins resolving to move about to keep up their body temperature - few were out on the streets.
Except them. There was scarcely a moment when they were not.
Kaede cast a sad look at his sister. His baggy coat was likely keeping him a lot warmer than her outfit was, but underneath Kaede wore only a black tank top - hardly a safe amount of clothing in the current weather. The cold was beginning to melt away in the welcome sun, but it would still be a while before temperatures peaked. Still, the well being of his sister had always taken precedence in over Kaede's own in his mind, and he shrugged off the coat, wrapping it around his sister's shoulders. If it was too big for him, it entirely dwarfed her. She accepted it without thought, clutching it tightly to herself; its size meant it had more use as a blanket anyway.
Kaede was instantly freezing, and the chill, thankfully devoid of wind, bit at his newly exposed arms. It took Katsumi a moment to even realize her brother's sacrifice.
"You're cold." She both looked and sounded curious. Kaede smiled his discomfort away. "A little, yeah." He admitted, the shiver kept out of his voice for the most part. Katsumi frowned. "You help people too much, brother." She complained, but did not make a move to return the garment, merely clutching it closer to herself. Kaede was satisfied simply by this display of gratitude. "I don't know if you can do it too much, sis."
"Yeah, you can."
"If you say so."
And for a time after that, they progressed down the road in silence, passing few. Would anyone else of familiarity or note grace the cold streets that day? [/ul][/justify][/size]
Both twins:
[/u]", "B", "A", "S", "S + C"Embodied Separation
Rank: "D", "C
Rank: "D", "C
Type: NinJutsu
Effect: This is the start of all techniques for the techniques within the Futakongo Bloodlimit. Since all children born within the Futakongo bloodlimit are born somewhat like Siamese twins, this enables the two twins the capability to be separate, to be apart and attack as two. The larger the rank the user gets into this technique the longer the brothers/sisters can be separated before dire consequences are made.
Special: ---
Drawback: Depending on which rank, if the brothers/sisters stay separated longer then it is stated, the brothers/sisters will never be capable of joining together ever again. When separated the two bodies only have half chakra each instead of one large amount of chakra as if they were whole.
Description: This technique with all brothers/sisters when together are born as if they were back and forth, this means that there are two heads but one body. This technique allows the users to separate their chakra, to push forth using their ability of their body molecules to where the users gain the ability of separating apart. When first learned, the D Rank, it enables the brothers/sisers the capability of being separated for up to 4 hours. C Rank enables them to be separated for 8 hours. B Rank enables them to be separated for 12 Hours. A Rank enables them to be separated for 16 Hours. S Rank enables them to be separated for 20 Hours. "S + C" worth of training enables them to be separated for 24 Hours.
Limit: Must be part of the Futakongo bloodlimit.[/quote][/spoiler]