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I like making people roll skill checks and challenging them. I am also creative enough to engross players in adventures. I like to write. I have learned from my mistakes.
PUppy cat 33% for spam. Only staff can post in applications (other than those applying)
Creator, I know you have been a good gm in the past but im not too sure abour right now. I think your activity needs to be proven a little as I havent seen you around as much as I would like. I won't give a 1.2 or 1.3 yet as I want to see what the other staff think
Missions: 8 C Event Total: 8
19 Mar 19, 11:56 Usiel -No Questions Please- -Mobile-: Ko just wanted to say, sometimes you don't stay as long as I like but know that I appreciate you always coming by to have fun :3
27 Mar 19, 16:21 Lokiflake -gone-: true facts 27 Mar 19, 16:21 Ghost: *gives Loki a good dicking then goes to bed*
As to my activity, I would like to point our that I have been on daily since early May. I know that my activity has been sketchy in the past but I'm ready to disprove any skeptics. /ash ketchum thumbs up
Edit: I am often using the proboards app on my iphone so although I Might not be active on the cbox I am reading more posts on the forum than one might think.
Edit #2: I added another event, one I found really interesting, that was latched on to my old GM application. It is listed as another event under "Experience". Thought it might bolster my application. Thanks --Creator
The Nobles of Kusa no Kuni have issued forth, throughout various lands and villages, a request of monumental help. Within the forests of the land are two great Drake families of some importance who, at times, are at odds with one another. We have reached one of those times though little has been done to find the means of this untimely feud.
The Srenckil Family can trace their blood to Dragons, or so they claim, and have numerable papers to prove it. They are an ancient family and command respect from all creatures, of which humans are not exempt from, throughout the land. But the Morolua family, another Drake family of ancient blood, often challenges them to their lofty claims and forgeries. The Morolua family claims to have blood that stems to the original winged serpent-gods that once reigned over the forests of old.
The nature of the dispute, as aforementioned, is unknown, but the situation is volatile. Shinobi of sound mind and good health are being requested. The main objective of the shinobi is to end the dispute between the two families by whatever mean necessary. Of course, the most viable option would be to settle the differences of the two families without any violence. Any fault in negotiation could end in a blood war between the two families, which would cost the nobles of the country much more than they would like to pay.
OOC Notes: This mission is definitely not a guaranteed success. In fact, I think it rather unordinary because it requires skills beyond that of simply being proficient in combat. The rank of the mission is at B because I feel like the mission can be completed without having to use a single technique and thus could be completed by a ninja fresh out of customs. There is a monumental risk, however, that could consume even A rank shinobi should the mission not be handled well. I plan on challenging the mission participants in a variety of ways that requires the new skill system, negotiation, and a variety of other dungeon-esque components that are something beyond just battling. In any case, I think it will be one of the most difficult missions for all participants.
NPCs: Srenckil Morosa, the patriarch of the Srenckil family, a renowned Drake whose history and participation in Kusa politics stretches back to before the Ninja Villages. He is an A rank Drake, if pressed into battle, with a temper which causes his suitors and family to tread lightly and precariously when around him. His interests include poetry, oil painting, and burning villagers alive.
Morolua Kanji, the matriarch of the Morolua family, a private Drake who is often thought to be one of the most brilliant minds in today's world. She is a renowned novelist as well as a skilled healer and is considered a C rank Drake if battled. She is not ill-tempered but is hard to please and is overall, a moody Drake. Her interests include writing, hoarding gold and books, and writing solo pieces for the cello.
A numerous amount of other NPCs that would take forever to list. Some 200 Drakes make up both families and surely you will meet a variety of characters on your quest.
Location: Kusa no Kuni
Rules: IIC 24 Hours. I expect this to be a lengthy mission as it requires constant interaction between participants to decide the best course of action and I think that constant participation is necessary. Of course, exceptions will be made in circumstances I feel are worthy of such exemption. Post Order must be followed Do not control NPCs Do not control eachother. Be polite to myself and your fellow participants All other rules and NFRP regulations should be followed, such as battle rules and such, but I won't kill your character over some lawyer read between the lines stuff. DE: Death Enabled. All Characters are welcome. I would enjoy even non-combatitive characters participating. No more than 5 participants allowed; nationality or allegiance is not regarded, first come first serve.
Reward The Nobles have offered 30 Gold ingots to be given to the participants, if they succeed, to be divided amongst the mission takers as they see fit. These Gold ingots are worth 10,000 Ryo each. Gold will be deducted for destruction of the country.
Funeral rights, if no other arrangements have been made, will be payed for. Condolence cards to family and village associates upon death or dismemberment.
Last Edit: Jul 6, 2014 8:41:51 GMT -7 by The Creator
19 Mar 19, 11:56 Usiel -No Questions Please- -Mobile-: Ko just wanted to say, sometimes you don't stay as long as I like but know that I appreciate you always coming by to have fun :3
27 Mar 19, 16:21 Lokiflake -gone-: true facts 27 Mar 19, 16:21 Ghost: *gives Loki a good dicking then goes to bed*
“By God, sir, I’ve lost my leg.”, “By God, sir, so you have.” ~The Earl of Uxbridge, noticing he lost something, to the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.