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The Uchiha returned to the room after the explosion and went over to check on the green haired kid's condition. Shit, he did not look good at all. His arm was missing at around the elbow and the rest of his body wasn't doing so well either. Well shit, with a lack of concrete knowledge in I wouldn't be of much help but I had to at least try to stop the bleeding with his arm. "Keep still." Taking the hatchet from my belt I used the blade to cut the kid's shirt off to use as some makeshift bandaging. Wrapping it around his arm, near the torn up stump, I tied it off fairly tightly and then tucked the handle of the hatched under the knot and twisted. This should tighten the knot and when I felt that I was at the peak of tension without tearing the fabric I tucked it under to keep up the pressure. "Try and stay still and conscious, I would suggest surrendering if you can and getting real medical treatment though."
Getting up from his kneeling position the man would head open to the door that would take him further along in these exams and open it up. Hesitating for a moment I said one last thing, "I can't bring you with me, you're hurt too badly and would probably only die when you had the chance to live." With that said the Kusakage left the room and headed for the next one, the Examiners had to be monitoring the events and be able to collect the nameless kid if he wanted out.
He felt unconconcious as his arm exploded and he got almost dead.He wouldn't see,hear,feel anything for a while.He wouldn't even feel Takeuchi trying to aid him.There was a high coldness in his body and he had lost high amount of blood.Young ninja Yashouri slowly came to himself as Takeuchi's footsteps would be hearable as he exit.
Yashouri smiled and looked around thinking he had been through this mess succesfully.Then he noticed the poorly done ''bandaging on his arm'' As he managed to touch with it using his other wounder arm bloods surrounded him.He saw it....Yashouri had loosen an arm.He opened his eyes widely and a feeling he had never felt surrounded him.He started to cry and yell.His words made no sense.It sounded like a mad person's last words.
How could this happen? He couldn't even fight with a ninja..He just lost everything in the ''easy'' part.What was he going to do with his life? Was there any art to aid him in future..Even if there are certain arts..Was he going to live? The bleeding wouldn't stop and his other body parts were also injured.He had to....Give up.
His crying became stronger.He tried to fist the ground with his other arm but he couldn't..He had no power left.He couldn't even surrender.He just hit the back of his green hair covered hair to the ground and looked above.He could almost see the long time gone faces of his parents.For a small amount of time it looked like he was in a dreamy green field in Konoha.He saw his young self runnig around.Seconds later he saw himself training hard in Kirigakure.Then his vision got normal...Well..Normal-er.
Yashouri managed to talk to himself quietly as he lost more and more blood. ''Well well,it looks like even i.A great ninja'' He chuckled ''It sounds funny,a great ninja.Bullshit,im not one of those.L- Let- Let me start a-again.I now see that t-things like this can happen to any-'' Coughs blood'' one--Anyone..''He couldn't speak further or make any self sense to himself.
Yashouri was surely brave enough to continue but he had no power to go on.That was the point.He just lifted the remaining arm up and tried to hold it standing up powerfully hoping it could be a sign for the examiners.
Last Edit: Mar 19, 2015 15:23:45 GMT -7 by Yashouri
Post by Chuunin Examiner 3 on Mar 20, 2015 19:20:00 GMT -7
"Ah-ah-aaah, what have we heeeere?~" A cheerful female voice echoed through the room, seemingly having arrived out of nowhere. She was a young one, with shoulderlong red hair and a examiner's coat hanging loosely over her shoulders. Sitting atop her nose were a pair of stylish glasses, as she simply stepped closer to the dying boy. "Oh my, it certainly does look like you could use... a hand. Get it? A hand!"
The makeshift bandage wasn't doing much to keep Yashouri alive. Tilting her head to the side, she placed a hand onto his shoulder. The shoulder to which an arm was still attached. "Midori Yashouri, you've hereby forfeitted any chance at becoming Chuunin in these exams. You will be escorted to the nearby hospi---... Hey, are you listening?.. Did you just faint on me?! Typical!" Sighing softly as it were, it seemed the boy had completely lose conciousness. Instead, the examinor would start folding a series of seels, before vanishing. In the same way that the woman had arrived, she disappeared, having brought Yashouri with her to wherever. For him, the exams were over.. As for his future, who could really tell?
Post by Chuunin Examiner on Apr 12, 2015 21:01:00 GMT -7
A loud gong echoed through the areas around. It vibrated against the walls. Loud clicks and clanks could be heard as if something was triggered but everyone was safe and sound. Lights would appear along the walls as Chakra forms of Light. Then a bell would ring as a voice could be heard right after.
"The time is over, exams are over. Those who have not exited please follow light, and exit, there you will find your previous weaponry. Thank you and we hope you enjoyed the Exams."
(Basically you all can exit, do a little post saying you followed the light, and then leave. You can interact with each other if you like but once you exit. Basically you were stuck in a giant Tomb with each other. You were able to interact with each other. There are two levels, most if not all are on the 1st level below ground, and then you would have gotten to the ground floor. From there you can find multiple exits out of this area.
We will notify at a later date who is eligible to become a Chunin. The exams was stopped short due to some issues at hand.)
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