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He just wasn't concerned about his own safety natural resistance to the lightning so much so that he was not worried about his own safety. He was pretty sure at this point no amount of lightning that that machine could ever generate would ever be enough to attack him or kill him off guard this provided him with a confidence he needed to get to work Without having to fear any sort of repercussion that might happen to him should something go amiss.
Last Edit: Jun 13, 2017 13:23:17 GMT -7 by Deleted
Ice machine world life it started generate more and more the electricity he could see and sense it as it was building up in both the top and the bottom of the machine. It was almost like a sensation where you had to sneeze but you just couldn't period every part of his body was yearning for the lightning to snap and have the vehicle Cascade of ozone and light flash before his eyes and fill the room with its glimmer and It Shine.
But that was just the inner romantic inside of him talking he honestly found lightning extraordinary beautiful. He paused move over to his workstation while the machine was still building up its energy and started to gather up the tools that he would need for the next part of his construction. Which was to say he needed to reconstruct the device that would allow him to control magnetism. He needed to up his manipulation.
Last Edit: Jun 13, 2017 13:25:54 GMT -7 by Deleted
Even at its most advanced level his ability to manipulate magnetism. was very limited by the environment around at its most base power and at its most simplest form the most he could do was push and pull an object based off of its relation to another object. Now there were certain things he could do like make one object orbits another option object. This was done by encompassing a dual polarity on an object much like the Earth.
so in conclusion the basis of his power even at its strongest point was the basic manipulation of an object so comma if you wanted to make armor using nothing but the limit of his bloodline alone he was going to need to fasten together a device that would be able to let him manipulate something with more advanced control methods. these control methods would simply be more objects in relation to the object he wish to manipulate.
Basically if there was only two objects he would have three choices he can make the two objects push against each other he can make the two objects push away from each other or you could polarize both ends of the object and have them orbit around each other. Now they sting really do so much for him if he was trying to bend and manipulate sheet of metal into armor that he could wear that controlled off a sword or a battle axe.
But if you really thought about how it worked you would come to the understanding that the more objects interacting with each other the more complex the push and pulls would become. in other words the more objects he had surrounding the object he was trying to manipulate and it's a more ferrous material and the more fixated it was the more intricate he could use the limit of his bloodline to push his powers ever further.
What was basically this feeling surrounding the table he'd be able to make several of metal that would come around from several different ends all around the object that he was going to try and manipulate. on these long beams of curved Steel he would attach small blocks of iron that would allow him to manipulate the metal off of those small box that I would help for some of the bigger magnetic pushing and pulling that he would want to do.
Wild heavy pushing and pulling was absolutely going to be essential in the creation of this armor. He is going to need to have finer control over the metal that he would want to manipulate in order for this to happen he was going to need to make this layered almost like a three-part wedding cake. meaning she would put smaller nodes on top of the larger nodes and this would have been chilly Cascade forward like a telescope.
As the telescope with move closer towards the metal object the metal would get narrower and narrower has it moved from a large cylindrical block of heavy-duty iron to a small needle-like point that he would be able to get the highness to control at the smallest possible pool available. This would allow him to make more intricate patterns and manipulate the metal on a much closer and More intimate level allowing the finest control possible.
The idea here being that the more objects he had encircling the small piece of metal that he was going to be working on. He would be able to get the finest possible control and be able to ship and shape the armor into the exact dimensions that he wanted. The process was more complicated than the explanation but the end result would be almost zero exertion on his physical body to manipulate a metal that couldn't be worked by simple tools.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 13, 2017 14:20:47 GMT -7
Post 4/40
Ryutatsu took the best stormium ore with him back into the main forge area. He looked at Shiki working for a moment before dropping the ore in his hands and in his power into a giant heating pot. It was one he had set aside for his use. There he watched the metal heat up slowly. Metal had really high heating points before it was workable. But he needed it very workable indeed to make great senbon. Besides he had to be careful not to make the needles to thin.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Now all he had to do was make this machine. Process wasn't that difficult but considering he had very limited material he would work with he was going to have to improvise quite a bit. Well he didn't have the exact metal that he needed in order to disassemble this together he did have several long pieces of typing that he could use to make this work period he started by grabbing a few of the long pieces of pipe and setting them down on the table.
grabbing one she picked it up and using the power of his blood magnetized both ends of the metal making a positive charge on one end and a negative charge of the other eventually the two pieces drawn to each other's changing polarity came and bent. There was a metal groaning sound as the pipe bent and shifted and pulled itself to make a perfect Loop or a circle that he levitated in the air controlling it with his metal glove.
Now that it was in his control he simply needed to do this and start making more and more of these Loops holding out his left hand he controlled the metal Loop and brought it over to the edge of the workspace and set it down on the table. He then raised his right hand and started to do the same using it as a focal point he brought the middle pipe over to him and magnetize the top and the bottom of the poles respectively and waited for them to move.
once again the metal started to creak and moon has it been concern itself into a small metal ring. perhaps small was in the right word it was going to be large enough for someone to put a full size name through but it was small in the regards of what he had planned later on in the future on a much larger scale. he then raised his hands and moved the metal over with his magnetism back to the table where the other loop was located.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 13, 2017 15:00:54 GMT -7
Post 5/40
Out of the hearth and closer to him he moved the metal. Ryutatsu didn't dare touch the hot metal with his hands and he was afraid to use the tongs. He wanted no pressure than he had to on the metal he was basically shaping. He had to make little sliver molds still but he wanted to be sure of the metal first. It was glowing hot but not quite hot enough. He was going to melt it down so back over the hottest part of the hearth it went.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 13, 2017 15:05:16 GMT -7
Post 6/40
Ryutatsu sighed and moved over to where the molding sand and blank area was. He was making a pretty small mold but he wanted to be assure of one before he made many. The thin slivers of metal were going to have points smaller than his nail. He used the tools available to him and some special lenses to work in fine detail. He was literally moving the granins of molding sand around until he could get the right thickness and points for his mold.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Post by Ryutatsu "Sakurai Sword" on Jun 13, 2017 15:09:48 GMT -7
Post 7/40
Ryutatsu collapsed the sand more than once. But with sheer determination and effort he was finally able to get a okay mold so he could get slivers of metal. That wouldn't be the end of it of course. Especially since it was a one time use mold. But this would at least allow him to work on one first. He carefully brought the one senbon upstanding mold over to his work bench. And then looked over to the heating metal.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.
Shiki knew that taking the loops and attatching them together was going to be one of the more difficult and harder things to do to create the device that he was going to need to start the long and complicated process of forming the metal down from a simple ingot to the powerful set of armor that he really wanted to create. Shiki smiled as he started to grab the two loops and he moved them over to the center shop.