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HYUUTON D(10) DD = 20 C(20) CCCCC CCCCC C = 220 C(30) CCCCC C = 180 B(70) BBBBB = 350 B(80) BB = 160 A(100) AAAAA = 500 1410 / 880 You have 2 D ranks in this labelled as 30tp each You also have stuff labelled as 30tp when it says always 20tp
KATON E(5) EE = 10 D(10) DDDDD DD = 70 C(10) CCCCC CCC = 80 C(20) C = 20 B(60) B = 60 B(70) B = 70 310TP
DOTON D(10) D = 10
MOKUTON C(10) CCC = 30 B(60) BBBB = 240 A(90) AA = 180 S(120) S = 120 570
GENJUTSU D(10) DD = 20 C(10) C = 10 30
SHUNSHIN D(10) DDD = 30 C(10) CCCC = 40 70
CRAFTING D(10) DDDD = 40 C(10) CCCCC CCCCC CCC = 130 C(30) C = 30 B(60) BBBBB = 300 A(90) A = 90 590 You have a C rank in this section which you have labelled as 10 tp
You have a C rank in this section which you have labelled as 10 tp when its always 30. "Master Enchanter[10] Rank: "C" Always 30 Training Points" I get you as 20tp over.
As for your tp chart: E(5) 2 of 2 D(10) You count 16 I count 20 C(10) You count 29 I count 29 C(20) You count 9 I count 12 C(30) You count x I count 7 B(60) You count 10 I count 10 B(70) You count 5 I count 6 B(80) You count 2 I count 2 A(90) You count 3 I count 3 A(100) You count 4 I count 5
So in summary: D(10) You count 16 I count 20 C(20) You count 9 I count 12 C(30) You count ? I count 7 B(70) You count 5 I count 6, 5 in ice 1 in fire. A(100) You count 4 I count 5 all in ice.
Your tp chart from 0-500 C - 9 -320 what is that made up of as it would mean you have C ranks that cost more than 30tp.
Furthermore your tp chart adds up to 20+320+160+10+50+180+350+400+90+290+600+270 = 2740 not 2280
Adjust your tp chart accordingly and remove 20tp from somewhere make sure this is also reflected in the chart.
Post by Skulking Shinzu on Jul 25, 2020 7:27:46 GMT -7
Not sure if you're still updating since Cadoc's last round of feedback, but your chart is showing that you've only learned two E-Ranks. However, I can see you've trained Hanabi no Shinka: Mi (Fire Flower of Evolution, Seed) a additional five times, which means your chart should show x5 E-Ranks.
Your D-Ranks add up. Haven't checked C-S yet in case you're still updating your chart.
Edit: Did a quick check on A-Ranks. Your chart shows you should have 7 A-Ranks in your bio, but I only saw one. Is the TP chart out dated?
Your chart is very confusing because you have 5 E ranks listed in every section. I assume your intention is showing 0 TP was spent on the 5 E ranks in the 0-500 section, then you learned them in the 500-1500 section? Then the other sections just show that those 5 E ranks exist? It's quite a confusing way to go about it. Your chart should just simply show how many techniques were learned in each section.
Going by the above logic though, your E-Rank techniques match.
You are showing 29 D-Ranks, while I only count 21 in your bio.
Craft (Weapon-smith, Armourer )[10][10] - you've shown that you've learned this D-Rank skill only twice. Did you mean to learn this more times? I'm wondering if this is why I'm counting less D-Ranks than intended.
I am seeing similar issues in other sections where I can't get my count to match with yours even when I take into account minor issues such as Craft Training[10] not showing a Rank (I looked this up and counted it as a C-Rank).
I might have miscounted in some areas, but where I've double checked, I can see your count is off. Could you do me a favour and show me where you've learned each technique like how I've done with my revamp? This will help you keep track of your count, and help me count your totals too.
Edit: Ah. Realised the first column of your chart is the TP cost for each tech. That being said, I still can't match up your counts.