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It was a normal day in the grass village. Shi didn''t really have much to do at the moment. She sat at the forests edge in a tree relazing against it. It always felt nice to be around a lot of plants. By touching them she was able to feel them a lot better than a normal person could.
Her purple cloak was hanging down in the air. The branch wasn't big enough to hold all of it. Her flytrap was open and reaching a foot over her head. Shi's was in a trance like state, staring at all of the trees and other plants with her red and yellow, pupiless eyes. Her long green hair was tucked inside of her flytrap as it always was.
Shi never really made to many friends. A lot of people don't like her to much because of her looks. She never really minded though since she is a loner and doesn't mind being alone. To bad this was a pretty small village.Finnally she was broken out of her own trance by herself.
Black Face: "That's it! Lets do something i'm getting bored." White Face: "But i'm just fine and I say we stay here and enjoy this." Black Face: "We're always doing stuff like this. We need to try doing something else for a change." The two different personalities continoued bickering at eachother trying to decide what they were going to do.