Grass Is Always Blue On The Other Side
Mar 15, 2010 21:49:04 GMT -7
Post by raahn on Mar 15, 2010 21:49:04 GMT -7
N a m e:
[multiple other names within the cbox]
A g e:
G e n d e r:
D e s i r e d P o s i t i o n:
E x p e r i e n c e:
It is true I have never been a previous member of staff but have been told that I should be an assistant by the new people I help.
The last application i posted long ago in '07 is probably somewhere in the cobwebs as I was incompetent when I first came to this site. But I have greatly improved since i signed up in 2007 as the 2007 example of roleplaying with the infamous adero when he started roleplaying, which can be compared to the higher quality posts In my later posts.
I also did take a large gap from 2007 till july where I was held by real life issues and an un-interest in both roleplay and anime.
sidenote: I am currently the co-founder in making a star wars roleplay with Naitome, aswell as the founder of my own customs board.
R o l e p l a y E x p e r i e n c e:
links as Aoi:
Shroom Hunting :link:
as Sarety:
Challenging the mizukage :link:
as Kurei:
Training with hogo :link:
Mission with hogo :link:
as Lan:
Gathering of the Sin thread :link:
Amatsu-Kyakushoubai :link:
as Dehjulae
Team greetings :2007 example:
A d d i t i o n a l C o m m e n t s:
note1: Aoi is my current dominant account, that I have been using recently. I have been helping quite frequently on one main account, even though he has only 50 visible posts.
note2: Due to Othello's ban in 2007 many of my posts are archived for Lan's character as multiple threads were in the Ex-raikage's threads
note3: The reason I wish to be an assistant is because I genuinely enjoy helping people and wish to make the site a better place. And proof of this can be seen in the tutorial I made to help people with ubb coding within the spam board :UBBC tutorial: