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Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jan 5, 2017 11:49:29 GMT -7
Farewell Falls
Hidden in the Village of Waterfalls is a spooky and foreboding locale. This is where a sect of Venators and spiritualists train in their fight against the ever present spiritual realm. The locale is known only by rumors and legends as few who approach leave and those that do leave rarely speak of what is inside. The people who do come and go from this location are a dark and mysterious group that feel wrong to most of the locals. It is spoke about in whispers over campfires as close as people can get to the light. For the darkness spreads from the locale like a cancer.
The brave or fool hardy people who enter this place that is so close to breaching the veil between realms come for one purpose. To strengthen the veil and fight the evil that pours through the gaps in the barrier are their mission. The group isn't so much as lead by anyone but just follow a kind of teaching that came from spirits who too want to close the veil and stop the spread of the evil dead. For there were good spirits as there are bad across the veil like there are humans.
The Hunters of these dead are a shun and rejected group but they pay the price willingly for the villages and people they love. This is a calling that many approach for different reasons. Some fight evil dead out of religious zealotry, others out of revenge for murdered friends or family, and still others were born with gifts that make them destined for the fight.
But this place designed and built by the half living Spectre of Takigakure has become something more. For he is one of the shinobi that would protect his home for as long as he was on this plane to do so. He has open his doors to all the in-humans and shinobi of Takigakure for their training. And in times of war as a secondary fortress to fight from.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jan 5, 2017 13:45:29 GMT -7
The entrance of this hide away and training grounds is hidden behind a waterfall. The construction was integrated into a cavern formation in the cliff face. There are still several areas as yet to be explored. The Falls has a high spiritual connection as it was said many a star crossed lover has dived to their deaths from above the waterfall, to crash into the rocks below. A whole mausoleum litters both sides of the falls and river that springs from it. The repeated hauntings of the area and dark origins of some of the graves lead to the thinning of the spiritual veil. Several Grounds keepers who are a dark and quiet sort tend to the dead and the sometimes the spirits of those that dwell in this desolate place. To get to the inside one must transverse the dark gardens.
Estimates to be paid out when funds are available. Donations of structures or funds for a Venator/medium nest are to come to Kuroki Kenzaburo
Total size estimate: Small Dungeon 30-60 spaces Working from front to back. Since currently under construction items may change and staff please do not do anything until purchased. Stuff in Blue are completed. I used my basic housing stuff as the start.
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Grounds Effect: A burial ground. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Rows of rough-hewn gravestones rise from the ground like jagged teeth, punctuated with the occasional stately monument denoting the death of someone of station. It is quiet, here, but the silent air runs thick with dark energy of death. While present within this stronghold space, the owners of this structure and their allies perform all Necromancy Jutsus as if the Jutsu was 1 class level higher. If a Necromancer Jutsu requires a corpse to function, that requirement is automatically filled while within this Stronghold space. May also be built as a crypt, maunsoleum, necromancer's Laboratory Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 4,000 Ryo
The Maunsolums and graveyards that stretch the area around the front entrance of this hallowed training ground were a dark and foreboding place. Plenty of material for the dark arts. But if one was found doing more than research on how to combat the evil dead they would have to answer to the army of groundskeepers or worse yet the master of the strong hold the Spectre himself.
Door, Secret (Pristine) Front door behind a waterfall. Needs to solve a spirit related lore question before gaining entrance.
Rank: "A" Type: Main, Room, 0 Stronghold Space, Door Effect: Secret passages are hidden routes used for stealthy travel. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: A Advanced Secret Door adds a +70 against a person's Observation check to notice the Secret Door. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: +10,000 Ryo
A hallway greets the visitors, to the left is a small doorway and space where the few guards of the place stay. Guard Post
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 0.5 Stronghold Space, Guard Post Effect: A small building for the soldiers who are protecting a place. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This component allows guards to keep watch upon the surrounding environs. If part of the exterior wall, it includes free arrow slits instead of a window. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 5,000 Ryo
Through the guard post leads to the prisons and holding area for 'live' specimens of the unliving. At the back of the guard post is a hallway and off it branches several things needed to guard this spiritual place. The guard post itself was set up for the defense of this main door. There was a thin arrow slit that faced outside to was hidden by a opaque pane of glass one way so outside can't see in. It was fare enough away from the falls that visibility out was unimpaired.
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A room dedicated to hold multiple people in a single large room. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This open room contains up to 10 simple wood beds with mattresses. A small footlocker sits at the end of each bed for personal belongings. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the barracks itself. A barracks can hold 10 people (usually guards or soldiers). If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. If you want a higher class of quarters for officers, purchase bedroom components instead. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 4,000 Ryo
Rank: "B" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A fancy armoury used to house equipment for 25 soldiers. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Murals and other artwork depicting the glories of war cover the walls of this armoury. As with the basic version, this area has sufficient armour and weapon racks to equip 25 soldiers (price does not include such equipment. 2 Main Weapons and 15 Slots of Secondary per Soldier). If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multile times. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 20,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 0.5 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A cell in a prison, in which a prisoner is locked. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This cell includes iron shackles on the walls and hay mattresses strewn about. You can shackle up to six Medium-size prisoners in a communal cell. Alternatively, you can replace the communal cell with independent jail cells. In this arrangement, each prison cell component includes two to four small cells each capable of holding one or two Medium-size creatures. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times. The standard prison cell comes with six sets of manacles with wretched locks capable of binding a Medium-size creature (May Purchase better Locks). A Small creature takes up half the space in a prison cell as a Medium-size creature. Manacles for Small creatures cost the same as for Medium-size creatures. Tiny and smaller creatures take up one-fourth the space, and their manacles cost 10 times normal. A Large creature takes up twice the space of a Medium-size creature, and a Huge creature four times the space. (Must Purchase Larger Manacles if needed). Generally, you can’t keep Gargantuan or larger creatures in a simple prison cell, though by buying enough components you could get a large enough space. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 5,000 Ryo
Storage, Luxury (A Vault to hold dangerous artifacts gathered on the hunter's travels)
Rank: "A" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A room in which things are stored. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This marble-floored room includes well-built shelves and fine-quality cabinets. The area has about 3,000 cubic feet of usable storage space. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. You can turn a storage space into a vault. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 30,000 Ryo
Now to the Left of the main hall are the vast caverns and study areas of those of the will to enter this place. A short hallway leads to a great library on various Chakra and spiritual arts. In a closed off section of the library are where dangerous books are stored. In this Library one finds great fonts of knowledge on the Occult and various Dark practices. Undead Lore (+20 Circumstance) is featured as one of the major sections. Ancient History is another section of lots that is heavily featured in Kuroki's great Library. Ritual Lore (Necromancy, Venator, Curses) and Divine Lore have their own branches off the Library.
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 2 Stronghold Space, Library Effect: A collection of manuscripts, publications, and other materials for reading, viewing, listening, study, or reference. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Floor-to-ceiling glass-fronted cabinets with top-hinged doors keep the books here in pristine condition. The ladders slide along on wheels and rails for both safety and convenience. The marble floor has symbols inlaid that denote the section of the library in which you stand. The library includes two private study carrels and a number of smaller tables. A single large table allows a researcher more space to spread out texts or large maps. This library can hold up to 6 different lots of books on specific subjects. A book lot costs 250,000 Ryo and provides a +20 circumstance bonus on a specific Academia skill. Alternatively, the user can purchase a book lot of general topics, which costs 250,000 Ryo and provides a +10 circumstance bonus on all Academia checks. A book lot cannot be forged, nor crafted. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 150,000 Ryo
In the library many a rare book was held and not all written in common. But several more esoteric books were held in a restricted section. This section one had to ask for entrance from the master of the place, Kuroki Kenzoburo. He himself of course had no problem accessing that section.
Legions of the Dead, The Rank: "B" Type: Main, Book, Reference Effect: A book of the dead and how to fight the undead. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Anonymous Page Count: 360 pgs. At one time, a relatively common tome among clerics (who used the information to fight undead) and necromancers (who used the information for their own purposes). The book details the different types of undead, the rituals used to create them, and the methods of hunting and destroying them. For the adventurer, the most useful section of the book includes information on identifying victims of undead attacks (particularly victims of vampires, who run the risk of become vampires themselves). The book grants a +2 competence bonus to both the Fortitude and Will Saves versus the special or supernatural attacks of undead creatures. The book can also be used as a general reference, much in the same way Creatures of Chaos and Mayhem is used. There is a 5% chance some piece of information is incorrect or flawed. Limit: These items may be bought inside any Special Book Shop. 15% chance finding. Cost: 25,000 Ryo
Grimoire Mortalitas Rank: "A" Type: Main, Book, Textbook Effect: A grimoire making techniques of necromancy application more difficult to see through. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Picture Grimoire of Necromancy. A jade leather book with Golden metallic corners with a gold buckle. Necromancy Jutsus manipulate the power of death, unlife, and the life force. Add +2 to the Difficulty for all Saves against Jutsus that have Necromancy Applications. Limit: These items may be bought inside any Special Book Shop. 10% chance finding. Cost: 30,000 Ryo
Loremaster Encyclopedia: Volume XII: Language Constructions and Speech Patterns Rank: "B" Type: Main, Book, Textbook Effect: Encyclopedia book pertaining to Languages. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Page Count 380 pages. This book does not discuss specific languages, but the theory behind language itself. Besides granting a +10 competence bonus to Cryptography, Cartography, Decipher Script checks, it allows characters a +1 per Die Mastery when learning a language. Limit: These items may be bought inside any Special Book Shop. 5% chance finding. Cost: 140,000 Ryo
Loremaster Encyclopedia: Volume I: Animal Training and Handling Rank: "B" Type: Main, Book, Textbook Effect: Encyclopedia book pertaining to Animal Training. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Page count: 350 pages. This book explains in detail the various methods of handling animals and the basics of domesticating and training them. It grants a +10 competence bonus to Ride checks, and a +20 competence bonus to Animal Training checks. Limit: These items may be bought inside any Special Book Shop. 5% chance finding. Cost: 140,000 Ryo
Encyclopedia of Creature Lore (Forest) Rank: "B" Type: Main, Book, Textbook Effect: A set of textbooks dedicated to the identification and cultivation process of all animal life. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Page count 400 Pages: There is 1 Book per Region: A Large Leather-bound book with "B.I.N.G.O. Productions" written on it. No Authors are listed within the book. There are a total of 16 Volumes. Each Volume discusses the identification and cultivation processes of each creature within the region. Each Volume gives a bonus to the Region it is dedicated to. This bonus is a +5 circumstance bonus to Creature Lore and Cultivation for Creatures, and gives a +1 Circumstance bonus per Mastery Die when learning Creature Lore and Cultivation. Limit: These items may be bought inside any Book Shop. 25% chance finding. Cost: 15,200 Ryo
Several doors lead from the circular library which had a brilliant crystalline structure of stalagmite in the center that was blessed with the light to read in this place. This was a three story affair.
Starting on the doors to the right leads to the laboratories. on the first story of this section started the studies on basic energy and chakra.
Rank: "A" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Laboratory Effect: Laboratory used for the study of Chakra and Rituals. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Similar but superior to the basic Chakra laboratory, this room has every tool the aspiring meddler in Chakra might need at his ready disposal. The walls of this place are covered with blackboards upon which all sorts of arcane or obscure notes can be scrawled. The rough tile floor allows easy cleaning while also preventing slips and falls. Four basins are in the place, each of which has a barrel of water suspended over it, complete with a tap to permit easy access. An emergency barrel mounted on a hinged platform can be tilted to pour water over a person in case of an emergency. A single user using this laboratory and having its resources all to himself receives a +20 circumstance bonus on Jutsu Lore Skill checks. Alternatively, up to 4 users can share this space at the same time and gain a +10 circumstance bonus on such checks. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 30,000 Ryo
The first of the two Fancy Chakra Laboratories were a fascinating place to the uninitiated. The walls were lined with various blackboards with scrawls of various studies and notes. It wasn't unusual to see here some spiritual scholar working though sometimes you could only tell by the scratching of chalk on the board. For not all guests of this place were on corporeal format.
But as one went up a staircase to the upper levels of the laboratories.
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 2 Stronghold Space, Laboratory Effect: A special room used to increase the power of Jutsus. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Nothing in the mlutiverse is stranger or more dangerous than the study of a dyed-in-the-wool Chakra User. Oddities adorn every murky wooden shelf, from a relatively-usual human skull to a planar vortex in a jar or a preening psuedo dragon atop a bookcase. The air reeks of Chakra of a specific type. Choose "Basic Releases", "Advanced Release", "Illusion GenJutsu", or "Enchantment GenJutsu". While present within this expansion itself, the owners of this structure and their allies perform all Jutsus of this Chosen category as if the Jutsu was 1 Class Higher. May be built as an Interrogation Chamber. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 60,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 1.5 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A room for practitioners of Ritualists to help them perform their Rituals. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Concentric and intersecting circles, carved deep and laced with precious metals, glitter in faint candlelight against the stonework floor. The air hums with the deep potential of Chakra power and smells faintly of expended residuum. Rituals may be performed in half the usual time here without expending any additional components. If a ritual has component cost, this cost is then reduced by 10% when the ritual is performed in this Stronghold Space. While in here, the owners and allies gain an additional die roll pertaining to Rituals (highest number wins). Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 150,000 Ryo
Straight through to the other side of the library from it's main entrance are the less arcane areas.
A suite of normal study rooms for those of that path are the first floor.
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 0.5 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A study is a room in a house which is used for paperwork, computer work, or reading. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This space, also sometimes called a solar, comes complete with a desk, some shelves for books, a chair, and a closet for storage of things that should be close at hand, like paper, ink, and so on. The floor and furnishings are rough, but sturdy. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 2,000 Ryo
The Stairs to the second floor leads to a more martial pursuit.
Rank: "A" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A room from which a war is directed. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Improperly planned, war can be a nightmare. With adequate planning, supply lines and intelligence, though, warfare becomes a much more feasible enterprise. Journeys planned in the war room and then undertaken by the owners of this structure and their allies always take 1/4 less travel time (Random Encounter is reduced by 1/4) than they otherwise would. In addition when a structure that contains a war room is under attack, all creatures fighting in the structures defense add 5 Armour Points of Damage to their striking attacks. May also be built as a bureaucrat's office. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 30,000 Ryo
Now the War Room of this underground stronghold was a truly stupendous place. In the Center was a perfect topographical representation of Takigakuri and the surrounding lands. More so to scale figures lined sat in drawers underneath the table for ease of reach for planning and other intelligence work. Along the walls were the beginning of various maps and notes for the areas surrounding the village.
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A basic armoury used to house equipment for 25 soldiers. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Racks of armour and weapons fill this simple room, which has enough space to hold equipment for 25 soldiers (price does not include such equipment. 2 Main Weapons and 15 Slots of Secondary per Soldier). If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 5,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Alchemy Room Effect: An advanced laboratory to help Alchemists create concoctions. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: With this laboratory, the alchemist has every tool they may need at their ready disposal. This includes the things described in Alchemical Laboratory, Basic, plus an even broader of tools. The walls of this place is covered with blackboards upon which all sorts of obscure notes can be scrawled. The floor is made of rough tile, all the easier to clean chemical spills off while not being too slick to cause slips in such situations. The room includes four basins, each which has a barrel (Barrel, Large (Overview)) of water suspended over it, complete with a tap to permit easy access at all times. An emergency barrel (Barrel, Large (Overview)) mounted on a hinged platform can be tilted to pour water over a person in case of emergency. A single Alchemist using this laboratory and having its resources all to himself receives a +100 circumstance bonus to their Alchemy. Alternatively, up to 4 alchemists can share this space at the same time, and they each receive a +80 circumstance bonus on their Alchemy skill. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 130,000 Ryo
On the left side of the Library leads a staircase that leads to just below the top where a great observatory sits for those who glean answers out of the stars.
Rank: "B" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: Laboratory used for the study of the Weather and the Stars. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: A simple wooden floored laboratory, usually located at the roof of a building or on top of a tower with either a glass roof or an roof that slides open, usually equipped with a large telescope. Furnishings usually feature a sofa to lay down and study the skies, a desk for taking notes and a fireplace to make long nights more bearable. A single user using this observatory and having its resources all to himself receives a +20 circumstance bonus on Weathersense and Fortune Telling skill checks. Alternatively, up to 4 users can share this space at the same time and gain a +10 circumstance bonus on such checks. User gains a +1 circumstance bonus per dice roll when learning the Direction Sense and Navigation, Nautical skills from study of the stars. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 20,000 Ryo
Straight down the main hallway leads to another split in the halls. To the Left are the basics of the people who live here, and to the left are training grounds for those that come here to do that.
To the Left: In the domestic side of the hallway there was Kuroki's suite as well as construction for future residents.
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 2 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A suite of furniture for the bedroom. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: No expenses were spared in creating this space. The walk-in closet features rows of shelves for boots and shoes, plus handmade hangers for the finest in clothing. The walk-in garderobe allows two individuals to see to their privy needs in privacy and comfort. In the main room, there are two marble-topped bureaus filled with clothes. The four-poster bed is made of the finest wood hung with the wispiest of linens, and the mattress and the blankets are stuffed with feathers. The sheets are silk. A pair of stuffed chairs sits in one corner. In another, a finely polished and fully stocked writing desk waits to be used. The walls are adorned with fine art, often of people in positions of repose. Sometimes they feature dreamy scenes filled with pleasant nymphs or other fantastic or heavenly scenes. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 250,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 0.5 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A basic bathroom with simplistic accessories. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This standard, sparsely furnished room contains a simple wooden or metal tub and a chamber pot or two along with some rough wooden benches for seating. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 4,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: Describe a type of shared lounge, most often found in dormitories. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This plain room features bare floors with a few benches and walls with uninspiring artwork or tapestries. It might serve as a waiting room, a general meeting area, or an all-purpose room. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger common area. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 5,000 Ryo
Rank: "B" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A room or area where food is prepared and cooked. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This rudimentary stone- or wood-floored kitchen centers around a fireplace or stove. It includes a pantry, in which basic foodstuffs are stacked on shelves or hung from the ceiling. The kitchen includes pots and pans made of tin (4 Jug (Overview)), 2 Large Pitcher (Overview)). A scullery provides storage for brooms and rags, along with a basin for washing dishes and laundry. You can prepare meals for up to 15 people in this space. In a pinch, you can avoid hiring a cook by preparing the meals yourself. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 20,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 1.5 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A study is a room in a house which is used for paperwork, computer work, or reading. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This room represents the ultimate in office luxury. A well-appointed waiting room features an exquisite couch and a polished wooden desk. The main office features another stuffed couch and a set of comfortable chairs arrayed around a marble topped desk. The walls are covered with fine art, including a portrait of the owner of the stronghold and any family he might have. Using this study provides a up to 4 characters a +1 circumstance bonus per Mastery Die when learning Academia Skills. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 150,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A large pen made to securely hold willing or unwilling beasts. A small nearby larder ensures food will not be in short supply, should the creature find itself hungry. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This expansion allows creatures to be held securely and safely, whether or not they desire to be, until the user chooses to release them. The creature must not be humanoid, and this expansion may hold 5 creatures sized small, 3 sized medium, or 1 large small. If built using 2 expansion units, this capacity is doubled, and the pens may house 1 huge creature. This expansion does not automatically include creatures, which must be acquired through other means. This expansion also may be bought multiple times. May be built as a Monster Cage, Roost, or even as Kennels. Cost: 10,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A suite of furniture for the bedroom. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This master bedroom includes a walk-in closet and privy. The furnishings are rough, but they include a bed on a low frame, 2 chests of drawers (Keg, Large (Overview)) and a mirror hanging on one wall. The bedclothes are made of rough cotton, wool, or even burlap, and the blanket is often a patchwork quilt made of whatever was available. A couple of rough benches form a sitting area next to a small table. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 8,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: Two Connecting Rooms with basic accessories. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This stronghold area contains two smaller bedrooms, possibly with a connecting door. The furnishings in each room are rough, including a bed on a low frame, a single chest of drawers (Keg, Large (Overview)), and a mirror hanging on one wall. The bedclothes are made of rough cotton, wool, or even burlap, and the blanket is often a patchwork quilt made of whatever was available. Each room also has a rough bench sitting in front of a small table. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the bedroom component itself. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 7,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A room dedicated to hold multiple people in a single large room. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This open room contains up to 10 simple wood beds with mattresses. A small footlocker sits at the end of each bed for personal belongings. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the barracks itself. A barracks can hold 10 people (usually guards or soldiers). If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. If you want a higher class of quarters for officers, purchase bedroom components instead. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 4,000 Ryo
Rank: "C" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: Servants' quarters are those parts of a building, traditionally in a private house, which contain the domestic offices and staff accommodation. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: These are basic, no-nonsense living quarters. Six slots exist in each such component, separated by thin walls that give the occupants some small semblance of privacy. Each slot has enough room for a bed, a chest of drawers (Keg, Medium (Overview)) with a small mirror atop it, a small table, and a chair. The furnishing and flooring are all rough but serviceable. Personal decorations hang from the walls. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the servants’ quarters. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times. For especially important servants such as a butler, it’s appropriate to put them in a basic bedroom or even a basic bedroom suite. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 4,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 2 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A luxury bathroom with fancy accessories. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: The ultimate in bathing luxury, this room features a tub large enough for two or three people to bathe in, plus a large fireplace for heating both the room and the water necessary for a warm bath. Two chamber pots with padded and upholstered leather chairs are here. Servants empty these on a regular basis. An intricately carved cabinet holds a variety of thick towels, and a handsome wardrobe full of fine dressing gowns stands nearby. A gilt-framed, three-fold, fulllength mirror takes up one corner, and another mirror sits above a gorgeous, polished grooming desk. The screen in this bathroom features intricately carved woods and the finest silks. Fine stuffed chairs are scattered about the place. The dressing table features three gilt-framed mirrors and the finest in grooming products, including aromatic perfumes, gilt-handled brushes, and so on. The walls are adorned with fine art, often of people bathing in large bath houses, in a river or lake, or at a beach. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 100,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 2 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A room or area where food is prepared and cooked. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This massive kitchen includes two full-sized stoves, each with a griddle, stovetop, and large oven. An open fireplace allows the roasting of foods of any kind, up to and including a full pig. The scullery has two marble basins. The flooring is of polished marble or tile. The pots and pans are made of hammered copper (16 Jug (Overview)), 8 Large Pitcher (Overview)).. This place can handle meals for up to 100 people. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this kitchen multiple times. Cooking/Baking checks made within this kitchen receive a +20 circumstance bonus. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 3 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A large room for worship, typically one attached to an institution or private house. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This enormous chapel features an altar set with gems and chased with precious metals, gilt-edged pews, and large stained-glass windows. Fine candelabra rest in separate prayer alcoves, and an elegant room with a wardrobe and large desk allows the presiding cleric to prepare for services in comfort. A supply closet holds extra prayer texts, altar cloths, candles, and other religious paraphernalia. Up to 60 people can fit in here for a service. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 250,000 Ryo
Rank: "A" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: Describe a type of shared lounge, most often found in dormitories. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This room features polished stone or wood floors with comfortable benches. The walls bear impressive murals and sound-dampening curtains. It might serve as a waiting room, a general meeting area, or an all-purpose room. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger common area. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 30,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 2 Stronghold Space, Room Effect: A large room, typically in a school or other institution, in which people eat meals together. Special: --- Drawback: Must have purchased a Luxury Kitchen. Description: This well-appointed room is dedicated specifically for hosting large meals. In some cases, it features a long, polished wooden or marble-topped table stretching from one end of the place to another. An exquisitely carved chair at the head of the table traditionally faces the main entrance to the room, allowing the head of the household full view of the room. Alternatively, you can furnish the hall with several smaller tables, either round or square, all of comparable quality to a larger one. The tables are covered with the finest linens, and the guests use the most treasured silverware to eat off the rarest china. Fine artwork lines the walls, and a beautiful chandelier provides plenty of light. Busts of prominent heroes throughout history sit near the serving tables that line the walls. The marble or parquet flooring provides additional beauty. This seats 16 people at a long table or 30 if smaller tables are used. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger hall. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 3 Stronghold Space, Craftsman Room Effect: A Crafting Room dedicated for all kinds of Blacksmithing/Metalworking. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: Similar to the basic smithy, this area features a polished stone floor and marble-encased forge of the highest quality. Working in this smithy gives a character a +80 circumstance bonus on any Craft pertaining to Blacksmithing/Metalworking (Armour, Blacksmithing/Metalworking, etc.) checks. This area requires the services of a smith. There may be up to 6 people working in this area. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 130,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 3 Stronghold Space, Workplace Room Effect: A Crafting Room dedicated for all kinds of Crafting other than Blacksmithing/Metalworking. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This area resembles the basic workplace, but it has finer tools and equipment. When using the area for the appropriate purpose, it grants a +80 circumstance bonus on appropriate skills checks. There may be up to 6 people working in this area. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 130,000 Ryo
Rank: "B" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Training Room Effect: A dusty ring of honor stands, lined with racks of weapons, as a test of mettle for those who enter. Win or lose, sparring teaches everyone a little something. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: A dusty ring of honor stands, lined with racks of weapons, as a test of mettle for those who enter. Win or lose, sparring teaches everyone a little something. Those who spend at least an hour sparring or training here add 4 Armour Points to the damage of each of their attacks until their next long rest, end of an event, or end of a mission. May also be built as training grounds. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 20,000 Ryo
Rank: "S" Type: Main, Room, 1 Stronghold Space, Training Room Effect: A room to train in the art of Combat. Special: --- Drawback: --- Description: This open area allows guards and soldiers to train in the art of war. It has a rack of wooden weapons and padded armor, archery targets, and practice dummies. Training in these areas grant the user a Circumstance Bonus +1 additional TP per post. Up to eight people can train in such a place at once. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. Limit: Must be created by a Construction Crafter. Cost: 100,000 Ryo
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jan 5, 2017 17:40:45 GMT -7
This section is reserved for the undead and whatever else imprisoned there.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jun 30, 2017 7:17:15 GMT -7
24/70 Post 3 Name: O Ni Bi Desusākuru (Will-o-the Wisp Death Circle) Rank: B Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: Causes the thirteen flames of the O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) to rapidly grow in heat and rush inward on the target, catching whatever they touch on fire. Special: Handseals, O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) must have been in effect for at least five rounds. Drawback: --- Description: After O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp circle) has been in effect for five rounds or more, the user performs the hand signs and sends a large amount of chakra into the thirteen balls of flame, causing them to rapidly heat up into actually damaging flames and all rush inward all at once towards the center of the circle to catch anything they touch on fire. Should these flames miss and hot hit anything within their circle, they will collide together and form a single, large flame that will expand and catch everything within the original circle's circumference on fire. Limit: Fire release. Must know O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle).
Kuroki stood outside his haunted falls now that some of the construction that he ordered was complete. Luckily he could count on some help even though a lot avoided the place. He might have been the main haunt of Farewell Falls but the veil was thin here. It was the perfect place to practice his jutsus. He needed the space and water as not to harm the unknowing.
He began to weave again the fires of the spiritual that he used. The dancing flames of the thirteen were to become a greater weapon. They needed a life of fire and destruction. It would actually complete what had been started by the dance of life and soul that they would perform. For fire and especially spiritual fire represented so much.
The use of the Aether to form the spirits of fire was the first step. Chakra and Aether were intrinsicly tied. He would summon the thirteen salamanders that looked like the hitoma of the human soul. Not that any true user of the spiritual arts would see the face of true spiritual life in these imitations. But they served a purpose. He smiled as they began to form to his will.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jun 30, 2017 13:53:17 GMT -7
24/70 Post 4 Name: O Ni Bi Desusākuru (Will-o-the Wisp Death Circle) Rank: B Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: Causes the thirteen flames of the O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) to rapidly grow in heat and rush inward on the target, catching whatever they touch on fire. Special: Handseals, O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) must have been in effect for at least five rounds. Drawback: --- Description: After O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp circle) has been in effect for five rounds or more, the user performs the hand signs and sends a large amount of chakra into the thirteen balls of flame, causing them to rapidly heat up into actually damaging flames and all rush inward all at once towards the center of the circle to catch anything they touch on fire. Should these flames miss and hot hit anything within their circle, they will collide together and form a single, large flame that will expand and catch everything within the original circle's circumference on fire. Limit: Fire release. Must know O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle).
Kuroki smiled as his dancing lights played in the graveyards of his little domain. The graveyard and buildings that litter this place of the dead were great for using spiritual forces. While his chakra was the source of his flames the spirits were the source of his chakra. His Aether fed the flames of thirteen that danced in a circle over one of the few empty plots there was. The moist ground and waterfall nearby made it less of a hazard to practice here.
The Darkness of night was so close around him and his fire that it was just an eerie unnatural glow to any onlooker. He had to build a cresto with his dancing ghost lights. For they danced to a tune that only him and his could hear. It was an eerie tune of the spiritual realm that threaten to pull all but the most hearty into its mists. As a shinobi of the falls he was made of sterner stuff than most. This was a village that prided itself on the strange but he was strange for even here.
His flames were no less strange for they glowed and flickered like fire but gave no heat that would burn. At least not yet did they while they dance. No his fire gave a radiance that warmed and welcomed those that saw it. That was part of the trap his little fires laid. It was unfortunate that most his prey rarely had the intelligence to fall victim to that part of his castings. But the next part would hurt most of the living dead.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jun 30, 2017 14:00:58 GMT -7
24/70 Post 5 Name: O Ni Bi Desusākuru (Will-o-the Wisp Death Circle) Rank: B Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: Causes the thirteen flames of the O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) to rapidly grow in heat and rush inward on the target, catching whatever they touch on fire. Special: Handseals, O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) must have been in effect for at least five rounds. Drawback: --- Description: After O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp circle) has been in effect for five rounds or more, the user performs the hand signs and sends a large amount of chakra into the thirteen balls of flame, causing them to rapidly heat up into actually damaging flames and all rush inward all at once towards the center of the circle to catch anything they touch on fire. Should these flames miss and hot hit anything within their circle, they will collide together and form a single, large flame that will expand and catch everything within the original circle's circumference on fire. Limit: Fire release. Must know O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle).
Kuroki had his little fire almost ready for the big burn. The dance the spirits of fire and life danced was one of purification and death. His soul burned fires of hitoma were reaching their stride. In a few moments they would reach the cresto of a tune that he could here. It was a very particular dance that entranced and captivated his prey. They would not be able to hear the music that flowed through him yet but they will eventually.
Eventually Kuroki was ready to start flowing is chakra to give his little thirteen the energy they need for the final act of the dance. This death dance circle of theirs was coming to a close. It was an entertainment for the dark and the to be purified. Fire was a good element to purify the spirits and that was why it was one of his choice weapons. Few things were as effective as fire and light against the living dead.
But he needed to give it the power to truly purify the evil if he was to follow this path. And so Kuroki flowed energy into the dancing flames . They were ready to receive the gift of a finally that he was giving. It was going to be a spectacular ending to a dance that you could only be in the center in of once to tell the tale. Luckily he was standing outside his little fire circle directing this little performace to the end.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jul 6, 2017 10:39:30 GMT -7
60/70 Post 6 Name: O Ni Bi Desusākuru (Will-o-the Wisp Death Circle) Rank: B Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: Causes the thirteen flames of the O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) to rapidly grow in heat and rush inward on the target, catching whatever they touch on fire. Special: Handseals, O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle) must have been in effect for at least five rounds. Drawback: --- Description: After O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp circle) has been in effect for five rounds or more, the user performs the hand signs and sends a large amount of chakra into the thirteen balls of flame, causing them to rapidly heat up into actually damaging flames and all rush inward all at once towards the center of the circle to catch anything they touch on fire. Should these flames miss and hot hit anything within their circle, they will collide together and form a single, large flame that will expand and catch everything within the original circle's circumference on fire. Limit: Fire release. Must know O Ni Bi En (Will-o-the Wisp Circle).
Kuroki was finally ready with the chakra he prepared for the fire spirits. They may look like hitoma and even act that way but they were chakra constructs. As such his little ghost lights needed chakra and direction in which he was finally ready to give some more of. This chakra spell took time to build to the proper cresto and that time has come. So without further ado he did the final set of hand seals.
With all the power of being the Spectre of Taki he sent a wave of pure power into the thirteen. Sudden the dance still and they rushed towards the center growing in size as they did. The heat wave coming off each of the thirteen was intense. It was a very strong fire spell to begin with one that happen to have thirteen parts. It would be very hard to dodge thirteen balls of fire coming from every direction.
But then the ghost lights of Kuroki collided, the resulting wave of fire and heat that was produced was even more intense. Even Kuroki had to shield his eyes and face as in a flash the entire five meter circle was engulfed in fire. It burned hotly for a moment and then faded to the remaining cinders. This was the death march of the Will-o-Wisps. And he had been the one to command such a pure fire.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jul 11, 2017 7:15:03 GMT -7
Seiðr Halo Rank: E Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: The user creates a Halo made out of chakra near their body. Special: --- Drawback: These halo have no effect on the world unless jutsu are used with them. The bright glow makes stealth hard if not impossible. Description: The user creates a bright glowing Halo made out of chakra with a diameter of 100 centimeter near their body. The colour of the glow can be altered by the user. Per time learned, one is capable of creating another Halo. When first created, a Halo will appear within a meter from the user, and from then on tend to swirl about behind their back unless they are used. The user can move these Halo through the air as they please as long as they are within eyesight. Limit: Clan jutsu.
Kuroki's fire spells had set a weird feeling within him. There was a power within him that wanted out now that he was growing stronger. A power of blood of old, he didn't know the source or name though. That would require more research but he wanted to experiment and see. So with his eyes closed he drew upon the power that resided in him to bring forth the shape and color to his mind.
So forth Kuroki brought out a halo that glowed brightly in a wane pale light. It was as if it fought the darkness around him. It was an interesting thing to bring forth, he smiled as it answered his commands. It had appeared this first time slanted above his head. But now it was spinning and floating to the command of his fingers. He smiled and then ended it with a snap of his fingers.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jul 11, 2017 11:19:35 GMT -7
Chakra Gavinha Rank: E Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: Makes it possible to let tendrils come out of the Halo, allowing the user to perform more jutsu with the Halo. Special: --- Drawback: These tendrils have no effect on the world unless jutsu are used with them. The bright glow makes stealth hard if not impossible. Description: Once activated, the user can make several bright glowing tendrils slide out of the Halo, all made out of chakra, and all having the same kind of glow as the Halo they come out of. Per time this jutsu is learned, one can create 10 tendrils per Halo. Limit: One must have the at least one Seiðr Halo activated.
From Kuroki the halo burst through to be seen in this reality once more by use of spiritual energy. Then a strange change overcame his one halo. By twisting his energy he was able to make tendrils burst forth from his slanted pale light halo. The techniques and understanding that he was gaining was strange as if the ancestors were speaking in his ears even though no understood words could be heard.
But with a sense of knowing that his spiritual awareness had he began to experiment. These tendrils and halos of his would be worthless when he tries to hide he knew. But he could sense a power within them that would make him more effective against the living and maybe against the dead as well. They were born of his spiritual energies so they had some connection there.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
A boy approached the cavern, through curiosity and interest in the environment he approached without fear. He only had one problem with what he was doing however... He had no ability to fight, he lacked any combat relevancy and likely couldn't defend himself. The boy was eight, recently a genin and could heal some interesting levels of wounds even helped in the Hospital often. Though he had talent in the medical arts he hadn't tried to do much more than that.
The boy looked up to the waterfall and growled quietly to himself. He decided to learn the art of mental manipulation. He stared at the waterfall and sighed before sitting on the ground in front of it.
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jul 12, 2017 7:06:34 GMT -7
Upon seeing his first ever visitor he quickly vanished and reappeared behind the young one. "What's your business in this grave? " Kuroki gathered the shadows ever more to himself so all that could really been seen was his glowing eyes. He looked like some sort of reaper with glowing eyes, skeletal features, and darkness swallowing him. He truly was a fright to be seen but these were his lands.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
He rose a brow upon hearing the voice, he didn't look back as he was simply asked a question. He continued sitting as he stared at the waterfall "I apologize for trespassing." he said, the fact that he couldn't see his conversational partner made it easier on his social anxiety. "I hadn't known that a graveyard could be owned by anyone but the dead." he said with a sigh and looked to the water below the waterfall. "I'm a simple genin who doesn't trust himself to go on missions or enter the chunnin exams without combat skills." he explained and cracked his neck as it seemed stiff and stress wasn't helping.
Post by Spectre of the Falls(Kuroki) on Jul 12, 2017 14:18:50 GMT -7
A cackle could be heard from the dark figure that was the Spectre of the Falls. "Who says these graves are owned by the living?" It was unusual for someone so unconfident in themselves to be a Shinobi of the village that reportedly had more monsters than the others. But that was neither here nor there. "What do you plan on doing about that then?" Meaning his supposed weakness.
Contra The Cat Sith and Neosis the Dread Raven Handseals: 80 Handseal reduction: 1/4 Movements: 8 Strife Pool: 9 Will: 14 (+7 against fear, + 3 vs Necromancy, + 2 vs Mind Affecting, +2 Vs Undead) Fortitude: 6 (+2 vs Undead) Armour Points: 130 Natural Armor: 3 +4 vs. Chakra Jutsus & Chakra-like effects, 20 DR vs Chakra Techniques
He rose a brow "I'd heard of a man who hadn't become a chunnin yet, though was very skilled in the art of mind manipulation. I suppose you are he. In which case I doubt I have anything to fear from you as we are allied to the same village. However, to answer your question, I also plan to extend my skills in the same art. Genjutsu is a useful thing to use in all aspects of life, though should I run out of chakra, I should learn a form of taijutsu at some point as well... For now, I want to put my chakra control to use beyond only medical ninjutsu." he said and sighed, still not facing toward Kuroki, instead looking into his reflection in the dark water.
I Am Lightning, The Rain Transformed The elements are beautiful yet deadly I survive to listen to their medley The lighting strikes without warning For on earth I see it's pouring. Wicked witches, vicious man scream and shout their evil plan. Judgment day will finally come no more sin, the final sum. hate and war no longer count for fear has found it's pale mount. Joy and love the final key to set this filthy world free. Until that time let thy be warned I am lightning, rain transformed.