Seeds of Yesterday... [T|PM]
Nov 19, 2013 0:40:22 GMT -7
Post by Celaena Kamyuja on Nov 19, 2013 0:40:22 GMT -7
| 70
“What the hell is this made of?” Adelpha mumbled as she tried to strangle the weight. 'Just Iron, Child.' Adel stared at the woman before focusing herself more on the weight at hand. Her fingers folded the weight perfectly, and as she measured it, it was roughly neck thick also. But she had to squeeze it or she will fail. She knew that this weight was not 100Kgs as she had crushed that weight before and with ease. But as she pounded what this weight, she turned it over in her hand until the imprint read 308KG. Bewildered that she could lift it with ease but not crush it made her sullen but never the less she continued to squeeze it until even her knuckles turned white with the strain.
'Child, maybe you want to try a less thicker and heavier one.' But when Adel simply glared at the old woman, she mumbled that if she were to do that, it would take longer and she didn't have much time. With a nod she told the old hag to leave her room and as she sat down she wrapped both fingers around the thick long weight and continued to squeeze it until she could no longer feel her fingers. Her muscles bulged and the veins holding blood swelled until she looked like hulk in a pale coated suit. The pulsing burn from sweat on iron was a constant ache but she easily ignored it and continued to squeeze it until she felt the first dent around her index and middle fingers.
By now her face was white with sweat, and her lips were parted as she panted with strain. But she didn't reflex her fingers until the dent was much more formed. But as soon as she felt her bone complain with it being pressed against the mental for so long she was indeed forced to reflex her fingers; but she did not release the weight altogether but instead gave a brief glimpse at the dents to see how thin it had gotten to throughout her squeezing. Disappointed to find that it wasn't as much as she thought, she closed her fingers around the poll shaped weight and locked her muscles into place as she squeezed the life out of it.
In vision of what she was going, her imagination over took her time and as she squeezed the iron, she imagined squeezing the life out of one of the twins that she would have to face. Her vision was blurred but otherwise she saw the image of the blue haired twins neck rather clearly. And as she pounded over the image, she could feel the pulse. Though it was her own pulse within her hands, she concentrated on that also and pulling it into her own mind genjutsu so that it was the twins pulse within her neck and not her hands. Continuously she continued to squeeze until she felt the metal give way with a loud pinching sound.
The sound had startled her out of her imagination and as she stared down at the poll shaped weight, weighing 308Kgs, she felt her cheeks lift in as she smiled down as her success. The weight had cracked and snapped in half. Believing that that was thicker than an average neck and all the muscles, she dropped the broken weight and leaned over to grab another one. It did not matter if it would be a waste of time. Her main thought besides killing and surviving was to strengthen her muscles and strength to make her ever stronger.