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Support Issue: Combat The Issue: Shield of the Wind Count Rank: "B" Skill: NinJutsu Effect: User creates a shield around themselves to deflect techniques. Special: Handseals Drawback: --- Description: Range of this technique is personal. Duration of this technique is 5 rounds per Class Level. Target is the user. A self-proclaimed invincible barrier; using a move movement and using hand gestures, the user is able to create a protective barrier of wind capable of repelling incoming attacks, and any attack they perceive back on the original user with equal force. As a free-movement the user may deactivate the technique. Using this technique, the user covers themselves in a shield made entirely of Wind. Winds become Tornado speed but do not affect the user in terms of technique performing or weapon throwing. User however does suffer Observation penalty. Technique automatically removes all range increments of incoming ammunition attacks. The user may activate and deactivate the technique without removing the Jutsu. This shield will protect the user 30 Armour Points per Class Level. If the user sees the attack they may deflect the attack back at the opponent. This shield dissipates once the shield rounds out of Armour Points and the technique ends prematurely. Limit: Must know Wind Release.
This doesn't block or deflect Taijutsu right? Link:
Post by Master Game on Jan 27, 2021 11:20:14 GMT -7
"the user is able to create a protective barrier of wind capable of repelling incoming attacks, and any attack they perceive back on the original user with equal force."
The nature of the attack is not mentioned. Therefore it is safe to assume this means any physical attack, chakra or not.
"This shield will protect the user 30 Armour Points per Class Level."
As long as the attack in question is below the above number in damage, it should be able to deflect it or redirect it.
Sun is down, freezing cold, that's how we already know... when it's here.
To elaborate a tiny bit further on what Master Game said, the technique specifically is a personal layer of wind armour. So intrinsically (because it doesn't state otherwise). It CAN block Taijutsu and keep the user from taking damage if the attack isn't stronger than the armour. As for redirecting the taijutsu damage, I am not entirely sure.
BUT: Its main ability is actually a way to literally reflect & offensively use incoming ranged attacks against the opponent using them against you as well.
So you are essentially getting a one size fits all armour shield that can help protect you from most things for as long as it can stay up, or has armour points left to use. (Remember every jutsu and taijutsu technique inflicts a certain amount of base damage, unless specified or modified to do even more or less than it originally would. Or have special effects.) I hope that helped, and if that answers your question fully than please respond and let us know so a staff member can lock this thread. That way it can remain here as a reminder for yourself, or others with similar questions in the future.
Last Edit: Jan 27, 2021 16:16:49 GMT -7 by ᖫᖭØMNÏᖫᖭ
29 Nov 16, 10:55 Ryosuke: I am a naturally born pulverum
Actually, I suspect you're both wrong. It's written to suggest it specifically deals with ranged attacks and little else - as it is written, it should have absolutely no effect on me if I don't attack you but say, put my hand lightly on your shoulder. If I'm standing next to you, I won't get knocked back simply from it activating (it lists causing no actual damage on its own); it also doesn't cover combat moves like Grapple - which is technically a type of attack but because it doesn't cause damage, should essentially be unaffected by this tech.
Basically; it's highly specific wind that deflects 'projectiles' you can see coming, not pure tornado force wind whipping about you.
Someone should ask usiel.
29 Jun 21, 23:28 QB Loki: no one can solo... a single one of these bijuu