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We most certainly do not follow the list. Marii forgot to post the most important thing: Who is going to write the next time. Imma tickle her now until she does that u.u
Heroes of Solus #8:
“By God, sir, I’ve lost my leg.”, “By God, sir, so you have.” ~The Earl of Uxbridge, noticing he lost something, to the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.
Post by |Ayame Unbound| on May 16, 2011 15:42:58 GMT -7
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Ayame. Ayame’s mama-chan taught her to read at the very young age of three! So many people were surprised so mama-chan took Ayame to the local school to try and get her enrolled early. The people at the school told her that she had ruined her daughter by teaching her to read so early so Ayame’s mama-chan decided that she would home school her daughter. It was hard to get the paperwork all filled out but eventually the home schooling started.
Every day Ayame would wake up at noon and shuffle into the living room, still in her pajamas. There she would learn to read, write in print and cursive, science, history, and of course the dreaded mathematics. This continued on for quite sometime until the age of thirteen when Ayame’s mama-chan decided to let her go to public school. The first part of this was testing in all sorts of subjects so the school could see where Ayame would be placed. All of her test results were four grades above the grade she should have been in but they made her take the age appropriate classes anyways, except for science which she did as advanced classes.
Her class schedule was pretty simple. First thing in the morning she had English Composition, also known as Grammar. Her teacher was a man by the name of Mr. S. It was a strange experience for the girl who had never been to a real school. She found a desk in the very front of the classroom and the first assignment was handed out, a work sheet to test grammar skills. Ayame looked over the sheet and frowned. Even the instructions for the paper had spelling and grammar errors. Instead of completing the worksheet like every other student Ayame took it upon herself to correct all the mistakes on the paper and hand it in. Feeling accomplished she went to her next class.
Next was German Language. Now not only was she in a brand new place she was working on a brand new language! The class was instructed to find partners and work on a simple dialogue. Luckily for Ayame there was a girl she knew from dance class so they agreed to be partners. They practiced their parts over and over again but for some reason Ayame, born and raised in the USA, could not speak in German without a British accent!
Gym class was a joke to Ayame. She was a dancer who spent at least thirty hours a week practicing so she never really liked gym. The solution? Every morning Ayame would tell her dad that she did not feel very good. Her dad would write a very simple note saying “Ayame will not be attending gym class today” and sign it. If Ayame did decide she wanted to go to gym she would just change the note a little bit and sell it to one of her class mates.
One very interesting story for everyone reading is this: When Ayame-chan went to school every day she rode on a school bus. One of the people who rode her bus was none other than Hotaru. Ayame did not like Hotaru very much for a very very long time. Then one day Ayame got into a fight with her very good friend and everyone on the school bus took her friends side. Hotaru, being a very good person, offered for Ayame to come over so she did not have to stay on the busy anymore and then Ayame and Hotaru became friends.
On and on the school year went. Many of the teachers did not like Ayame because she got bored so quickly because the material was too easy. So as soon as the year ended Ayame retired from her public school career with straight A’s. This was the end of her public schooling until she reached college level. It had been five years and three different states but she was going back to public education.
College was just an entirely different story! You could pick what time your classes were, who your teachers were, and even find time to have fun! Unfortunately Ayame also had to work so she could pay to go to school so she never really had time for fun. But in less than a year Ayame will be graduating with two different college degrees and be able to get the job she really wants so it all worked out in the end!
Now if Ayame-san can stop talking like this it will be amazing! But first she will nominate... Takkun to write about her greatest fears.
Tieren: And Ayame is as sure enough to hug you as she is to tear your throat out
Ryosuke: Ayame, you are a crazy individual. lovely, but very very crazy.[/quote]
9990 Ryo rounded up to a multiple of hundred leaves Marii with 10,000 Ryo! Congratulations ^^
Heroes of Solus #8:
“By God, sir, I’ve lost my leg.”, “By God, sir, so you have.” ~The Earl of Uxbridge, noticing he lost something, to the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.
Post by Marii K. Kazeraikou on May 18, 2011 7:43:20 GMT -7
Thanks for the gradings everyone! Especially yours Ayame since we're both martial artists.
As for your school story...whoa. Mind to tell me what your double major is in? I know the one about crime stuff (think you mentioned it in the Kumo OOC once).
Gosh, here we gooooo. ___ Growing up I was always that gutsy little girl who wasn't afraid of anything. I loved bugs, I loved going out into the woods with my cousins when we were told not to leave the house. I did many things that most people wouldn't try because fear of getting hurt or fear of getting trouble. I was the girl who wasn't afraid of anything, well as far as they knew. The one thing I was afraid of the most was fairly common in people, probably not as common as being afraid of the dark or being scared of certain things, but it was there. Everytime I got in trouble, that's the only worry that came to mind, I dont want to be there.
Not a single noise around, except maybe the slight sound of me shifting ever so slightly, not even the sound of the tv or the other children playing outside could reach me. It was dark, the only light was the little glow from under the door, still.. it was difficult to see anything. In those little moments, I realized I could hear myself thinking, I could hear my breathing, there was no one there but me. After those realizations, my breathing often changed, becoming very uneven. I was the kind of person to lock certain thoughts away and distract myself with other things just so I wouldn't think about it. Well it was in those moments that I would find myself thinking about them. It felt like insanity taking over. Crying, screaming, doing anything to try and keep myself distracted just so I wouldn't think. I hated thinking to myself, I hated my own thoughts, they drove me insane.
Any chance I get, I run from it, I distract myself. I always stay busy so it wont come near me. But there are always those times where I'm unsuccessful and it does happen. It does take over and I can't do anything about it but try and hide. In my mind, it's the worst thing ever and everyone should be afraid. I'm amazed at those who can stand it and sympathize with those who can't. My one greatest fear
k done. I uhhh nominateee Naota to write aboutttt his deepest darkest secret
Last Edit: Aug 13, 2011 15:38:40 GMT -7 by GO AWAY
Imagine a small Naota. A young kind of spanish boy, short hair and always smiled and tried to act all cool and bad ass. Though everyone knew he wasn't. It was simply a front he put up to get everyone to at least talk to him. The boy didn't have parents when he was growing up, his father a drug dealer who was in jail longer than Naota's entire life span and a mother just as bad. He was take away from her at birth because she decided to rob a jewelry store 7 months pregnant with her first born son (Naota) with only a kitchen knife. The woman ended up killing a man and going to jail for a long time, Naota still has no idea where she is. He was adopted by a wonderful african american woman named Anna. A savior to the young boy at the time. They grew together along with another child born 2 years after and brought to the same fate as him. She taught them many things, how to clean, manners as well as various educational things. The woman was a general mother to Naota and his bro and they couldn't live a day of their lives without her. Once Naota turned 8 she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer...
She lived for another 3 years and finally left our world to meet her husband in heaven.
Bitter tears were wept and Naota and he was given to his grandmother. A cruel and vile and abusive woman who at no wits ends was out to get the seeds of her bastard son. One she had forsaken when he was 15. Newark, New Jersey isn't a good place...filled with gangs and drug wars. Scary murders everyday. Naota was subject to danger everyday of his life. Eventually that woman decided to leave that hell hole and move with her sister in Florida. Naota of course having to follow without wanting to. He had no personal items, just him and his close. Living in a crowded one bedroom apartment with 6 other people was hard. No food, surviving on welfare. I had to get away.
So I ran. _______________________
I think I'll nominate Kaeor to reveal one very embarrassing thing he has done in the past.
Last Edit: Aug 13, 2011 15:06:07 GMT -7 by | Naota |
Wow, very interesting, from both of you. I liked how Takkun worked her entire story towards one word and how you described how you experience the fear.
And Naota, man, such a small piece of text is hardly enough to describe the entire story. It's just... Heavy, I am really lost for words. I genuinely feel that you should write a book about your life.
“By God, sir, I’ve lost my leg.”, “By God, sir, so you have.” ~The Earl of Uxbridge, noticing he lost something, to the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.