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Post by The Chairman on May 7, 2011 22:47:20 GMT -7
Tech 1: poison reduction.
Poison Reduction Rank: D Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: Decreases the effect of poisons on the body. Special: Kikaichu feeding on the body. Drawback: Does not effect poisons higher ranking than D. Description: Slows the effect of poisons ranked D or lower. The user trains this technique by taking small, non-lethal amounts of different poisons. The Kikaichu then eat the poison. Limit: Kikaichu no Jutsu
Biki sat on the mat in his masters house. Playing with his Kikai. Smiling and laughing as his master. A man 4'5 even, walked in a vial of a purple liquid. The master places the jug on the table and removed a knife. He took a rag and using the jug he washed the blade of 14 knives with the poison.- now biki.... It's time for our lesson. Come here.
yes master.
-as Biki sat in his spot infron of the small man stil standing very high compared to the small man. The masters own Kikai easily destroying the poison in his body that had been absorbed by his hands. And just to show biki his ability he took a swig of the weak poison. His Kikai attacking and destroying the poison toxins.-
Now biki we as members of the aburame clan have a special ability. Thanks to our kikaichi we can keep poisons from effecting us. But because your so new to it well start you off weak. Now I want you to lick the blade of one of the knife.
Biki looked puzzled but as he had never questioned his masters wisdom he wouldn't start now but as he licked the blade his body absorbed the poison and he slowly fell I'll and collapsed as his Kikai tried to fight off the poison-
Post by The Chairman on May 13, 2011 7:16:42 GMT -7
biki convulged on the ground. the poison his master had chosen was weak. but in the body of a person who has been exposed to poison of any kind, it could do alot of damage. inside his body his kikaichu fought off the poison. eating it and dying on their own by saving their master. but as they did the others grew aware to what it could do, and they adapted accordingly. growing stronger and able to fight off the weak water of death.
the master sighed. his own kikai handaling the poison as if it was nothing. he shook his head and shared a sad look. he had hoped biki had even a bit of skill to continue the line of aburame. but it seems that this young member of the clan was nothing but a little insect,. who would be stomped by any other member of the clan. he was a failer all together. but the master had promised to train him. but how he could train such a weak fellow he didnt know.
after a few minutes Biki stood. his mind shaken from the pain of the poison. he sat back on his chair shakely. as his master grabbed a shot glass and filled it half way with poison. "drink Biki. you must learn to fight such weak poison by your saelf." Biki sat there and after a minute picked up the shot glass and drank. for even though his master had caused him pain it couldnt be withiout reason. but this new2 pain. seared his throat. it burned it so ad that he couldnt breath. and his kikai went to work. already exposed to the poison. they had the power to stop the poison. but they needed time. As biki thrashed on the ground, he screamed in pain as finally his throat allowed him to breath. his body convulsed in pain and agony. and his master stood there and watched as 1-0, 20, 30 minutes passed. hiks body finnaly stopped convulsing. his mind really as his pain stopped for the most part.
Post by The Chairman on May 14, 2011 21:51:10 GMT -7
The master tsked. He spat upon the ground. This boy was truly useless. And now he just lay there, like a dead horse. No that was too good for him. He grabed Biki by the neck and grabbed the vial of poison. He forced bikis mouth open.- master... Please no more...
YOU ARE WEAK BIKI! you must be useful to the village! And the only way you will be is if I force you to be. As your master and grandfather I will not allow you to fail! -he poured the rest down his throat Biki vometied most of it up and the master released him letting him fall his Kikai so used to the poison by now that they didn't even die from cleaning his system. After 2 hours of pain Biki finally fell asleep his system free from poison-